Remove iron stains from clothes

Remove iron stains from clothes
Remove iron stains from clothes

Ironing stains are easily done and yet increasingly difficult to get rid of. Some ironing stains are unsalvagable and can only be aesthetically lighter rather than removed. These six methods will either help to lighten, or completely remove, ironing stains. 

  • Method 1- Bleach the stain 
  • Method 2- Soak in hydrogen peroxide
  • Method 3- Squeeze lemon juice over the stain 
  • Method 4- Soak in ice water 
  • Method 5- Rub with white vinegar 
  • Method 6- Use an emery pad

Method 1- Bleach the stain 

Before starting this method make sure that you check the stained items care label. Some clothing will come with a warning to not use bleach, in which case this method should not be used. Once you have checked the care label, soak your item in diluted bleach. After 15 minutes, remove the item and wash it as you usually would. To get the most effective result, dry in direct sunlight. The sun’s natural lightening abilities will help lighten the stain so at the very least the mark will be less visible.

Method 2- Soak in hydrogen peroxide 

Begin by laying the garment on a flat surface. Soak an old cloth or piece of fabric in hydrogen peroxide and place it on the iron stain. Next, put a clean, dry, cloth or piece of fabric on top of the hydrogen peroxide soaked material whilst you let your iron heat to a high temperature. Once your iron is hot, gently rub it over the top piece of fabric. The heat will gently permeate through to the hydrogen peroxide and help work it into the stain. As you iron make sure that you check the progress of the stain. If you notice that your bottom cloth is getting dry, apply more hydrogen peroxide to it. Likewise, if your top cloth is becoming damp with hydrogen peroxide switch it for a new, dry, cloth as this will prevent rust stains transferring from the iron. This process can take a while, so patience is key.

Method 3- squeeze lemon juice over the stain 

Squeeze the juice of one lemon over the stain until it’s completely soaked. Place your item of clothing in a container of hot water and let it sit for 15-30 minutes depending on how severe the stain is. Remove the clothing item and dry as normal. 

Method 4- Soak in ice water 

If your stain is mild soaking it in ice water for an hour could remove it. For this method, you need to ensure that your water is ice cold. To guarantee this either add ice cubes to cold water or leave your item in some water in the freezer. If you do leave your clothes in the freezer, make sure you only leave them in there for a maximum of 1 hour. Completely freezing your clothes won’t cause any additional damage, but can slow down the stain removing process. 

Method 5- Rub with white vinegar

If you decide on this method it’s important that you use white vinegar only- using any other type of vinegar could stain your clothing further. Soak a rag or sponge in white vinegar and rub it over the stain. Once the stain is completely soaked, leave the item to sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing with cool water. Leave your clothing to dry as normal. 

Method 6- Use an emery pad  

A heavy scorch mark can not be removed, however the damage can be made less visible. Using an emery pad, or any rough material, gently rub the burn mark, removing any dark singed material. Be gentle with your rubbing movements, being too aggressive can cause further holes and damage to the material. If your clothing has been stained beyond repair and you are considering throwing out the item, try and reuse it for an alternative purpose. Consider making a tote bag or pillow case- anything to limit the clothing pollution that comes with throwing away clothing. The best way to treat any stain is by getting it treated by green earth cleaners in Durango. There you can get the best laundry services.

One thought on “Remove iron stains from clothes

  1. Green earth cleaning Durango August 26, 2021 / 7:30 am

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