Remove Baby powder, chalk, or talcum powder from clothes

Baby powder, chalk, and corn-starch are all fine powders that can fill the crevices in the fibres that make up your clothing, and absorb the grease. 
Baby powder, chalk, and corn-starch are all fine powders that can fill the crevices in the fibres that make up your clothing, and absorb the grease. 

If you’ve managed to get grease on your clothing, don’t panic. Try these quick and easy methods to remove the stain immediately. Remember, it’s always best to treat a grease stain as soon as possible to have the best chance of removal. 

  • Soap 
  • Baby powder, chalk, or corn-starch
  • Salt and rubbing alcohol 
  • Dry cleaning solvent 


For this method you will need:

  • Liquid soap- preferably one which states its ability to break down oil 
  • A toothbrush or brush with gentle bristles 

Begin by laying your stained item on a flat, clean, surface. Next, pour a generous amount of liquid soap over the stain, until it is completely covered. Use a toothbrush, or an alternative brush with soft bristles, to scrub the grease stain in a circular motion. Scrub your stain for 5-10 minutes, adding more liquid soap if it’s needed. Once you have completed your scrubbing, leave your garment to rest for 30 minutes. Finally, wash your clothing using the highest temperature your items care label advises. If, after your wash has been completed, your item is still stained, repeat the process.

Baby powder, chalk, or talcum powder 

For this method you will need:

  • Baby powder, chalk, or corn-starch 

Baby powder, chalk, and corn-starch are all fine powders that can fill the crevices in the fibres that make up your clothing, and absorb the grease. 

To begin this method, sprinkle your chosen powder directly over your grease stain, making sure that the whole stain is covered. Leave your powder to rest for 10-15 minutes so that it has an ample amount of time to completely absorb the grease. After 10-15 minutes, use a toothbrush, or alternative soft-bristled brush, to remove all of the powder. Finally, wash your garment using a cold water setting. If the stain has not been completely removed, repeat the process. 

Salt and rubbing alcohol 

For this metod you will need: 

  • Salt
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • A clean soft cloth 

If you have managed to get grease on a thick fabric, such as denim, making a salt and rubbing alcohol solution is the best way forward. To make your solution, mix together one part salt with three parts rubbing alcohol. Pour your solution directly onto your grease stain, and use a clean soft cloth to rub the liquid into the fibres of your stained clothing. Once you are satisfied that your solution has been adequately rubbed in, leave it to soak for 10-15 minutes. After 10-15 minutes, wash your item has you usually would. If the stain remains, repeat the process. 

Dry cleaning solvent 

For this method you will need:

  • Dry cleaning solvent 

If you have a grease stain that refuses to come out, you could buy dry cleaning solvent. Typically, these solvents will be spray-on or iron-on liquids that can be applied directly to the stain before washing. These should instantly remove your stain, but, be warned, they can be quite costly. 

When it comes to removing stains, it’s always best to leave it to the professionals to take care of. When you take your garments to get the professional laundry services in Durango, simply let them know which clothing item(s) is stained and where the stain(s) is. They will take the upmost care to remove the stain(s) in the best way possible, and return your clothing clean, fresh, and stain-free. 

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