Importance of Regular Dry Cleaning

Importance of Regular Dry Cleaning

Although you understand the process of cleaning your clothes in a standard washer and dryer, dry cleaning is a different matter. Dry cleaning is called such because the cleaning process uses little or no water as the cleaners used are organic solvents to remove stains and soil from garments.

Clothing items made of natural fibers including silk and wool may fade, shrink, or lose their shape if laundered in a washing machine, but dry cleaning these items doesn’t cause swelling the fibers that lead to damage and discoloration.

Dry Cleaning Benefits Over Normal Laundering

The solvents used in dry cleaning dissolve and remove oil and grease stains, which is something that water alone can’t accomplish. For other types of stains, the dry cleaner performs spot treatments that may involve the use of steam or other professional skills and expertise only a dry cleaner possesses.

The process of cleaning the garment with solvents doesn’t crease or distort garments, but it also can’t restore an item that has lost its shape. However, a skilled dry cleaner can re-shape the garment, restore creases and eliminate wrinkles through steam pressing. The entire process of dry cleaning includes cleaning with solvents, spot treatment and a final press of the garment.

Limitations of Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaners can do amazing things to restore clothing to its original shape, remove stains and provide a thorough cleaning, but there are limits to what they can achieve. Even the most experienced and skilled dry cleaner may not have the ability to accomplish the following:

  • Remove ingrained grime and dirt that accumulated over years
  • Completely remove all stains
  • Restore torn or worn areas
  • Prevent holes created by insects, pests, snagging or acid
  • Remove the shiny appearance caused by too much pressure and heat during home ironing
  • Correct damage from improper stain removal

Some of the above issues such as ingrained grime can be prevented with regular dry cleaning. It’s not always possible to remove every stain due to the type and age of stain and the construction and color of the fabric. Even at-home stain removal can fail in such instances.

Dry cleaners with tailoring or alteration services can repair holes and some wear, but it’s not included in their usual dry cleaning service. Sometimes holes in garments appear after dry cleaning, but this is due to weakened fibers that existed before cleaning.

Obtaining the Best Results from Dry Cleaning

To obtain the best results from dry cleaning your clothing, you need to follow a few practices that help protect your clothing and extend their longevity. These practices include:

  • Regular dry cleaning
  • Bringing garment in as soon as possible following a stain
  • Discuss stains and point out spills to dry cleaner
  • Prevent contact between clothing and solutions with alcohol such as cologne or perfume as this can result in color loss
  • Protect delicate fabrics like silk from excess sweat as this can weaken fibers
  • Wait until your antiperspirant or deodorant is dry to dress
  • Avoid exposing your delicate garments to prolonged direct sunlight
  • Never iron clothing with stains as this can set the stains in

Make sure all of your dry clean only clothing continues to look its best with professional dry cleaning services from professional green earth cleaner in Durango.

5 benefits of dry cleaning?

5 benefits of dry cleaning?

While some people may consider professional dry cleaning a luxury, if you’re someone who understands the benefits of dry cleaning, you know it’s a necessity. Green earth cleaning in Durango offers benefits that you can’t get from cleaning clothing at home. Although not every piece of clothing requires dry cleaning, taking care of those items that do is essential for maintaining their beauty.

When you pay attention to care labels and clothing details, you know which pieces best dry cleaned. If you’re unable to tell from the label, trust a professional cleaner; you can’t go wrong. The benefits of dry cleaning go beyond just removing stains and freshening garments, and once you know them all, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start using dry cleaning services sooner.

1. Dry cleaning is less abrasive

Today’s dry cleaning innovations use greener products and are less abrasive on your clothing than traditional at-home washing and drying. Professional dry cleaners only use water when during a wet cleaning process, and not all clothing is a good candidate. Your delicate items that need special care are always dealt with according to dry cleaning best practices.

2. Professional dry cleaners pay close attention to detail

When you do laundry at home, you also have the tasks of folding, ironing, and sometimes storing items in garment bags. However, when you take your clothing to a professional, they can handle all those details for you so all you have to do after picking up your items is hang them in the closet. Or better yet… Take advantage of premier pickup and delivery dry cleaning service, and you never have to worry about shlepping your clothing to the dry cleaners.

3. Dry cleaning is super-convenient

In today’s busy world, being able to drop off your dirty clothes and then pick them up clean, folded, ironed, and starched in protective bags is a great convenience. With dry cleaning pickup and delivery, it’s even more convenient and a huge time saver.

4. Dry cleaning is perfect for stain and odor removal

Sometimes home remedies can remove stains, but they may do so at the cost of damaging garments. It’s a better idea to trust your items to a professional dry cleaner who can expertly remove tough stains and clinging odors. If you’re considering throwing away certain items because you can’t remove stains and odors, try taking them to a dry cleaner instead to see if they’re salvageable.

5. Dry cleaners can handle large-item cleaning

Dry cleaners clean larger items than clothing including drapes, area rugs, slipcovers, and oversized comforters that can be an impossible chore for you to handle at home.

Utilizing dry cleaning services for your clothing saves you time and work and is one less thing to worry about in your busy schedule.

What is an alternative to traditional dry cleaning?

What is an alternative to traditional dry cleaning?

What is an alternative to traditional dry cleaning? When most people need to have their clothes cleaned, there are usually two options: laundry, or dry cleaning. For special, delicate fabrics like silks, wools, linens, and others, dry cleaning is usually the most accepted way of cleaning these items.

Even though the process is known as “dry,” the cleaning method isn’t exactly dry. Water is not required; rather, dry cleaning uses other liquid solvents to clean the delicate fabrics.

But most cleaners use “traditional” dry cleaning solvents – which can be harsh petrochemicals that are harmful for you, your clothes, and the planet. Read more to find out alternatives to these potentially harmful cleaning methods.

What Is Traditional Dry Cleaning, and Why Is It So Harsh?

Different chemicals such as kerosene, turpentine, and gasoline were chemicals used from the very early days of the dry cleaning industry. Unfortunately, most cleaners are still using chemicals that are similar to these harsh chemicals, such as Perchloroethylene (PCE) and hydrocarbon, which are still the two most widely used chemicals these days.

These chemicals are made from petroleum and are referred to as “petrochemicals”, and if you think about it, it is kind of like giving your clothes a bath in gasoline. These traditional dry cleaning solvents contribute to air pollution and water pollution, and some of the most dangerous chemicals, like perchloroethylene, have even been banned in many states and even some countries.

What Is Green Dry Cleaning?

If you buy dry cleanable clothing, you should know that there are now many widely accepted alternatives to traditional dry cleaning. They recommend educating yourself about one of the many green cleaning alternatives out there, so then you can wear any garment you would like and still minimize the impact on planet.

Green Dry Cleaning Alternatives

1. Hand Washing

It may not always be feasible to hand clean clothes that are for dry cleaning only, however it is possible. There are mild eco-friendly detergents available in the market that can clean such clothes.

Just make sure to be careful while washing those clothes and be gentle with them. An example of such detergent can be Planet Inc.’s delicate laundry wash. You can use detergents as such to clean fabrics such as silks, lace, sweaters, etc. They do not recommend ever washing these items in a laundry machine, and definitely air-dry and never dry in a machine dryer.

2. Professional Wet Cleaning

This process is one of the most eco-friendly dry-cleaning alternatives you can find, because it uses water to clean clothes that have the “dry clean only” label. The origins of professional wet cleaning dates back to ancient times, and in fact shares a lot of similarities with hand washing!

Professional wet cleaning accomplishes the same eco-friendly cleaning as hand washing by using specialized equipment that mimics the natural hand cleaning methods, but with machines. This process also uses milder soaps and detergents to clean items with water and then specialized pressing equipment to prevent wrinkling while also making sure that items do not shrink while drying.

Nearly all experts agree that this is the most eco-friendly option if you want to use a professional cleaning service to make your clothes look their best and minimize the impact on the earth.

3. GreenEarth Dry Cleaning

Another good substitute for dry cleaning can be GreenEarth dry cleaning (liquid silicone) cleaning. This cleaning process, used by select dry cleaners around the world, is one of the most eco-friendly dry cleaning solvents, since it is biodegradable and breaks down into three trace elements of sand, water, and CO2. GreenEarth is one of the most earth-safe processes for dry cleaning.
GreenEarth is odorless and colorless, and leaves clothes cleaner, brighter, and softer than ever before.

4. Steam cleaning

The next on the list is steam cleaning. To try steam cleaning, place any non-wool or silk item in the dryer along with a damp towel. For 20-30 minutes, run the dryer until the towel is dry. The combination of the damp towel, heat, and air-flow, will remove some of the stains and odors that were present on the clothes previously.

5. Wash bags

Wash bags, also known as dryer bags, can sometimes be a useful alternative to traditional dry cleaning. While not terribly effective as a stain remover, wash bags can be somewhat effective for odor removal. The was hbag contains a cleaning solution in small amounts and has some stain treating abilities. To use them, simply place your clothes in the bag. There is a sheet that comes with the bag will draw impurities out from the clothes without damaging them. Wash bags are best for light cleaning.

Eco-dry cleaners

They need to consider more eco-friendly dry cleaners to reduce the harmful impacts that traditional dry cleaning has the plane. Eco-dry cleaners are better for us and better for the plant, as they ensure a safer and cleaner process to clean your clothes.

Greener Cleaner is the very first cleaner in the United States to offer wet cleaning, and so they have the most experience of anyone else you will find. They can you’re your clothes always look their best, and they do so with very eco-friendly processes. From bridal gowns to leather items to household items, all clothing types can be cleaned by us, so you’ll never have to worry about harsh chemicals on your clothes again.

Best organic dry cleaners

If you are searching for an organic dry cleaner in Durango, you can rely on the professionals who offers the green earth cleaner in Durango. They have one of the largest dry cleaning delivery services and can even ship your clothing to you if you live too far.

Final Words

Clothing is a huge part of who they are, and a big part of unique identities. For any occasion, they need to have clothes that represent us well, and are always clean and neatly pressed. With the knowledge you’ve gained from this article, you now never have to worry about harsh chemicals cleaning your clothes again, because you can now choose any of the green dry cleaning alternatives which you have read about here.

Wrong Kw insertion/ remove company name Greener Cleaner/ use different Kw insertion

Traditional Vs. Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning

Traditional Vs. Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning

When it comes to dry cleaning services, you have choices. You can take your clothes to a traditional dry cleaner or use an eco-friendly option. Before deciding, compare the two to learn the differences. You’ll then be ready to have a local dry cleaning company handle your clothes.

Chemicals Used in Traditional and Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning

Traditional dry cleaners use perc and other toxic chemicals to clean clothing. Dry cleaning employees risk their health when they clean with these chemicals. Exposure can lead to many health problems, including cancer. Plus, the chemicals pollute the air and enter the water supply. That puts humans, the ozone layer, and marine life at risk.

If that’s not bad enough, perc stays on your clothing after you pick it up. It vaporizes and gets into your home environment, putting your entire family in danger. You could end up with the same health problems as dry cleaning employees just by taking your clothes home.

You can avoid these dangerous chemicals by choosing organic dry cleaning. Your dry cleaner will clean your clothes with environment-friendly liquid silicone. This is safe for people, animals, the ozone layer, clothing, and the environment.

Cleaning Power – Traditional Vs. Organic Dry Cleaning

There’s a myth that green dry cleaning isn’t as effective as traditional methods. Liquid silicone has a low surface tension that prevents it from beading up the top of the fabric. Instead, it penetrates the clothing to remove stains and odors. Many people agree that their clothes are much cleaner when they use eco-friendly dry cleaning services. They even smell better since liquid silicone is odorless.

Softness After the Cleaning

When you use a traditional dry cleaner, you can expect your clothing to feel stiff and scratchy when you get it back. The harsh chemicals make materials feel stiff and uncomfortable, so you might not enjoy wearing your clothing. While organic dry cleaning solvents are powerful enough to get out stains and odors, they are still gentle. Because of that, you can expect your clothing to feel soft when you get it back. Your clothes will look and feel great when you use eco-friendly dry cleaning.

Garment Bags

Traditional dry cleaning companies send garments home in plastic bags. Plastic is dangerous for the environment and marine life. Around 8 million tons of plastic end up in oceans each year, and the material can become stronger and more durable as it ages. Sadly, marine life can get caught up in the plastic and end up dying because of it.

Eco-friendly dry cleaners are committed to helping the environment, so they forgo traditional plastic bags. When you use such a dry cleaning service, you will get a reusable garment bag so you won’t have to worry about harming the environment with plastic waste. You can use it to protect your dry cleaning and more. For instance, eco-friendly garment bags can be used as laundry bags and clothes hampers. You can even use it as a duffle bag.

Hangers That Come With Dry Cleaning

Plastic bags aren’t the only cause for concern when using a traditional dry cleaning service. Your clothing will also be sent home on wire hangers. Wire hangers typically end up in landfills, leading to overfilling. There is only so much landfill space left, so you don’t want to continue to fill it with wire hangers.

When you use an organic dry cleaner, your clothes will come back on recyclable hangers instead of wire ones. These hangers are designed to be reused, so you don’t have to worry about harming the environment by throwing them away.

Energy Efficiency at the Facilities

Traditional dry cleaners generally don’t care too much about being energy-efficient. These companies are already pouring toxic chemicals into the environment and creating plastic and wire waste. Because of that, most won’t spend the time to make their facility energy-efficient.

Fortunately, you can expect an energy-efficient service with eco-friendly dry cleaning. Organic dry cleaners are constantly looking for new ways to make their facilities more energy-efficient. By sticking with the best practices, they reduce energy consumption, lowering their carbon footprint. You can do your part to help the environment by taking your clothing to an eco-friendly dry cleaner.

Delivery Services

Both traditional and eco-friendly dry cleaners offer pick-up and delivery services. That’s where the similarities end, though. While traditional dry cleaners usually use fuel-guzzling vans, organic dry cleaners use efficient vehicles. These vehicles get around twice the fuel efficiency as older vans. This is yet another way green dry cleaning companies do their part to reduce their environmental impact.

Cost Comparison

You will also notice a difference when it comes to cost. Traditional dry cleaners tend to charge top dollar for services. Toxic chemicals are expensive, so these dry cleaners have higher overhead costs. Plus, many of them rent instead of owning their own facilities. That adds to the overhead.

Eco-friendly dry cleaning chemicals are more affordable, so you can expect to save money with the service. Plus, you can find an organic dry cleaning company that owns its facilities. Then, you can save even more money. It’s easy to provide lower pricing when the overhead costs are low, so using such a service is a must if you want to save.

Choosing Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning Services

The benefits of eco-friendly dry cleaning are clear. If you want to enjoy these benefits and more, schedule your service. It’s surprisingly easy to set everything up. You can sign up online and pick your service location. Then, choose the type of pick-up and delivery you want and place your order. The eco-friendly dry cleaner will pick up your items in an energy-efficient vehicle.

Once your clothing arrives at the facility, the team of green earth cleaner in Durango will use organic chemicals to clean it, and then they’ll place your garments in environment-friendly garment bags. You can make a huge impact on the environment by using such a service, so place your order today.

Beyond Solvents: How Organic Dry Cleaning Helps the Environment

Beyond Solvents: How Organic Dry Cleaning Helps the Environment

You likely know that organic dry cleaning companies use non-toxic chemicals to clean clothing. These chemicals are environmentally friendly, making them the right choice for dry cleaning. However, you might not realize that it’s just one way eco-friendly dry cleaning companies help the environment. Find out some additional ways organic dry cleaning helps the green initiative.

Organic Dry Cleaning Companies Conserve Water

Did you know that you use around 40 gallons of water every time you wash clothes? Water consumption has a direct impact on the environment. It removes water from the ecosystem, making it less accessible. Organisms need water to survive, so people have to find ways to get a handle on water consumption. Organic dry cleaning doesn’t use water. Instead, your local dry cleaner uses solvents. Taking your garments to a dry cleaner is an easy way to save water. You might not be able to eliminate washing clothes completely, but you can reduce your water consumption with dry cleaning.

Eco-friendly Companies Use Energy-efficient Transportation

This might come as a surprise, but organic dry cleaning companies use eco-friendly transportation when picking up and delivering orders. Eco-friendly vehicles burn less gas, reducing pollution. Considering that pollution from gas-guzzling vehicles is one of the leading causes of global warming, this is critical. When you use an eco-friendly dry cleaner, you can do your part to reduce pollution on the roads. You don’t have to feel guilty about burning gas since your clothes will be transported in a fuel-efficient vehicle.

Organic Dry Cleaners Use Energy-efficient Light Bulbs

Organic dry cleaning companies care so much about the environment that they even use eco-friendly light bulbs in the facilities. Eco-friendly light bulbs save energy and reduce waste. This, in turn, dramatically reduces greenhouse gas emissions. This is just another way that eco-friendly dry cleaning companies set themselves apart from other businesses.

Get Reusable Hangers from an Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning Company

If you’ve ever used a traditional dry cleaning company, your clothing likely came back on wire hangers. Wire hangers aren’t good for your clothes, and they are also bad for the environment. Because they aren’t very durable, people typically throw them away. Around 100 tons of wire hangers end up in landfills each year, stretching the spaces to capacity. Organic dry cleaning companies are working to solve this problem by getting rid of wire hangers.

Instead of getting saddled with wire hangers that you’ll never use, these companies will provide you with reusable hangers. This is much better for the environment, plus you don’t have to worry about wire hangers harming your clothing.

No More Plastic Bags When Using an Organic Dry Cleaning Service

Traditional dry cleaners don’t just hurt the environment with wire hangers. They also use plastic garment bags. Plastic isn’t biodegradable, so when you throw it away, it will remain in a landfill forever. Eco-friendly garment bags allow repeated use, and when done with them, you don’t have to worry about harming the environment. If you are tired of throwing away tons of plastic every time you dry-clean your clothing, consider using an eco-friendly dry cleaning company for pickup and delivery.

Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning Companies Offer Recycling Options

Green cleaners also provide clients with recycling options. You can send your old wire hangers and other materials with your dry cleaning to be recycled. Recycling saves energy while reducing pollutants and greenhouse gases. Plus, it prevents items from going to landfills, so you don’t have to worry about contributing to that problem. This truly is the environmentally friendly way to dry-clean your clothing.

Organic Dry Cleaners Help Clothes Last Longer

Green dry cleaning also helps you keep your clothing longer. The solvents are tough on stains but easy on garments, so you won’t have to replace your wardrobe nearly as often. Most clothing contains fibers that don’t break down, meaning the environmental impact never goes away when they’re discarded. By helping keep your clothes longer, an organic dry cleaner also allows you to reduce your environmental impact. Plus, it’s nice to lower your clothing budget and spend the money on other things.

Organic Dry Cleaning Delivery Services Company Provides Clothing Alterations

Did you know that an organic dry cleaning company also offers professional alterations? This is yet another way to make your clothing last longer. Instead of throwing your clothes away and buying something new, you can have it altered and then get even more use out of it. The longer you can keep your clothing, the better it is for the environment, so choose to make use of this service.

Environmentally Friendly Companies Reduce Paper Waste

Eco-friendly dry cleaning companies also strive to reduce paper waste. Manufacturing paper reduces harmful toxins into the air, and then the paper ends up in landfills after it’s used. Organic dry cleaning companies address this problem by using digital tools such as online scheduling and payment options. This allows dry cleaning companies to keep data on a computer network and provide digital receipts. This might sound like a minor way to help the environment, but it can have a huge impact.

Do Your Part With an Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning Company

An eco-friendly green earth cleaning in Durango offers so much more than environmentally friendly solvents. While that’s important, that’s just part of what you can expect. Such a company also saves energy, reduces pollution, and more. When you use an organic dry cleaning company, you can rest assured that you have made a wise choice for the environment.

You can also rest assured that the process will be easy. Schedule a service online to set it up. The driver will then pick up your order. You don’t even have to be home for a delivery, so you can go about your normal life while helping the environment with eco-friendly dry cleaning.

Debunking Myths About Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning

Debunking Myths About Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning

Are you considering using an eco-friendly dry cleaning company, but you aren’t sure if the service is right for you? That might be because of the myths surrounding organic dry cleaning. After debunking the myths, you’ll discover that environment-friendly dry cleaning has numerous benefits.

Myth: Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning Can’t Get the Job Done

There’s a myth that you have to use toxic chemicals to clean clothing. In reality, the liquid silicone used for organic dry cleaning is better at removing odors and stains. It has a low surface tension, which allows it to penetrate the fabric. If you want your clothes to be free of stains, dirt, and odors, use an organic dry cleaning service.

Myth: Your Clothes Will Be Stiff and Uncomfortable With Organic Dry Cleaning

You can trace this myth to traditional dry cleaning. The harsh chemicals used by traditional dry cleaners make clothing stiff, scratchy, and uncomfortable. That’s why people are often hesitant to put on clothes that have just been dry cleaned.

Fortunately, organic dry cleaning solves this problem. Liquid silicone makes clothes feel soft and comfortable after they’ve been dry cleaned. If you are tired of itching and scratching after picking clothes up from the dry cleaner, it’s time to switch to an eco-friendly dry cleaning service. You will discover that this is one of the many ways that eco-friendly green earth cleaner in Durango is superior to standard dry cleaning services.

Myth: You Have to Pick up and Drop Off Clothes Yourself

If you can barely make it through your to-do list as is, the idea of dropping off and picking up your dry cleaning might be too much to bear. While there’s a myth that you have to do all the driving when using an organic dry cleaning service, that isn’t the case. You can use a dry cleaning pick-up service to handle that for you. You just need to schedule the pick-up, and then the company handles it for you.

Myth: Organic Dry Cleaners Don’t Do Much to Reduce the Carbon Footprint

Some people think that organic dry cleaners don’t do that much to protect the environment. Yes, they use eco-friendly solvents, but people think that’s where it ends. In fact, organic dry cleaning companies do various things to protect the environment.

They use reusable garment bags instead of the plastic bags used by traditional dry cleaning companies. In addition, they use reusable hangers instead of wire hangers and even have recycling programs.

Eco-friendly dry cleaning companies even go the extra step when picking up and dropping off clothing. Instead of driving gas guzzlers, they use environmentally friendly vehicles that get excellent gas mileage.
These are just some of the ways organic dry cleaners help the environment. It’s clear that you can help reduce your carbon footprint by choosing an environment-friendly dry cleaning company.

Myth: You Pay a Premium for Organic Dry Cleaning Services

You might think that you have to pay extra to use an eco-friendly dry cleaner. After all, some environmentally friendly products and services are more expensive. Fortunately, that’s not the case with dry cleaning. Eco-friendly solvents are more affordable than toxic chemicals, so you can save money by going this route. At the same time, you can get a better service, which makes organic dry cleaning the better value by far.

Myth: Organic Dry Cleaning Leaves a Bad Smell Behind

Have you ever picked your dry cleaning up, only to notice a bad smell? That’s because of the toxic chemicals traditional dry cleaners use. These chemicals have a distinct smell that reminds you that your items just came back from the dry cleaners. Fortunately, liquid silicone and other organic solvents don’t have foul odors. If you’re sensitive to smells, you’ll prefer using an organic dry cleaning service.

Myth: You Should Put Off Dry Cleaning As Long As Possible

Do you find yourself waiting as long as possible between dry cleaning appointments? You might think that waiting protects your clothing, but the opposite is true. Sweat and other oils will build up over time, staining your clothing. Regularly dry cleaning your garments will remove the oil and grime, keeping your clothing clean and free of stains. Dry cleaning extends the life of your clothes, so you’ll want to stick to a schedule.

That doesn’t mean you have to dry clean your clothing after every use. However, you need to do it often. You should have your dresses dry cleaned after wearing them once or twice. Then, dry clean your blouses after you wear them three to four times. You need to dry clean sweaters after wearing them two to five times, depending on the condition after use. Pants and skirts should be dry cleaned after wearing them five times.

You only need to dry clean your outerwear once a season unless you get extra sweaty or spill something. Then, you should take it in for dry cleaning.

Myth: Club Soda Is As Effective on Stains As Dry Cleaning Is

You might have heard that you can use club soda to remove stains instead of sending your garments to the dry cleaners. While club soda might make stains fade, it doesn’t do a good job of removing them. If you have a stain, the best thing to do is to blot it with a white towel and then take it to an organic dry cleaner. Let the dry cleaning company know about the stain, including what caused it. Then, they will use professional techniques to remove it.

Myth: It’s Hard to Schedule an Appointment With Eco-friendly Dry Cleaners

This myth couldn’t be further from the case. It’s simple to schedule an appointment with an organic dry cleaning company. You can sign up for a dry cleaning drop-off service online. The company will pick up your clothes, clean them, and drop them back off. Pick-up and delivery are even free, so you can save money when dry cleaning your clothing.

Now that you’ve debunked the myths, you’re ready to take the next step. Start using an eco-friendly dry cleaning drop-off service, so you can enjoy all the benefits, such as reducing your carbon footprint and eliminating stains.

Organic Dry Cleaning and Other Ways to Make Clothes Last Longer

Organic Dry Cleaning and Other Ways to Make Clothes Last Longer

Does it seem like you’re constantly replacing clothing? This can cause you to go well over your clothing budget. Plus, it means that you have to say goodbye to your favorite garments much sooner than you’d like. Fortunately, you can make your clothing last longer by following a few tips. Find out how organic dry cleaning and other strategies can help you extend the life of your clothing.

Organic Dry Cleaning – A Fantastic Strategy for Long-lasting Clothing

Washing machines are abrasive, so they can tear up your clothing. Dry cleaning is much gentler on fabric, allowing you to extend the life of your favorite clothes. If you want to add even more years to your clothing, choose an organic dry cleaning company. Traditional dry cleaning companies use perc and other toxic chemicals. Over time, the chemicals can damage your clothing, so you’ll have to replace your garments.

Green earth cleaning in Durango use eco-friendly solvents that do a fantastic job of removing stains while protecting the clothing. That means your clothing will last much longer when you use an organic dry cleaning delivery service.

This is just one of the reasons to choose an eco-friendly dry cleaning company. Organic dry cleaning is also safe for the environment and people. When you add those benefits together, organic dry cleaning is a clear choice.

Don’t Wash All Items After Each Wear

You can preserve your clothing by wearing items two or more times between washings. Some clothes do need to be washed after each wear. For instance, you should wash T-shirts, leggings, underwear, and socks after wearing them once.

However, you can wear jeans several times before washing them. The same is true for pajamas, bras, and outerwear. By washing these items less, you will extend the life since they won’t spend as much time in an abrasive washing machine.

Use a Bag for Delicates

If you just throw your delicates in the washing machine, they won’t last very long. Because washing machines are abrasive, they can rip and tear delicates. You can make your clothing last much longer by using a delicates bag. Put your delicate items in the bag and then wash them. This simple tip will make them last much longer.

Turn Clothing Inside Out Before Washing

Take the time to turn your clothing inside out before throwing garments in the washing machine. Doing this will help your clothing maintain its vibrant colors. Your items will be less likely to fade, so you can enjoy your favorite clothing for years.

Read the Care Instructions

Do you find yourself using the same washing machine setting for all your clothes? While that’s easy to do, it could tear up your garments. Read the care instructions for each garment you wash. Then, follow those instructions when cleaning clothes. You’ll find that your clothes last much longer when you do this.

Never Overload the Washing Machine

When you get behind on laundry, you might end up stuffing as many items as possible in the washing machine, so you can catch up. When the machine is overloaded, the clothing can’t move freely during the spin cycle. Instead, the garments rub against each other, leading to wear and tear. It’s similar to rubbing sandpaper across your clothes. As you can imagine, that’s hard on clothing.

There’s another reason to avoid overloading the washing machine. Your clothes won’t be nearly as clean if you overload the machine. Soap and water need space to reach and clean the clothes. You’ll end up with worn, dirty clothes if you overload the machine.

Sort Your Clothing

Go beyond sorting your clothing into piles of lights and darks. While sorting by color is important, that’s just one step to take. You also need to sort by fabric. That way, harsh fabrics won’t rub against delicate items. Also, if you have a piece of clothing that’s heavily soiled, put it in the washing machine by itself. Otherwise, the grime could bleed over to the other clothing, ruining your garments.

Treat Stains Immediately

Treating stains before they set in is another way to extend the longevity of your clothes. You can keep a stain-removal pen handy to use when you’re out. If that’s not possible, go home as soon as you can after staining your clothing, so you can pre-treat it. If you can treat stains before they set in, your clothes will last longer.

Hang Clothing to Dry

Dryers do a great job of quickly drying fabrics. However, they also weaken the fabric, meaning your garments won’t last as long if you use the dryer. Instead of putting your clothes in the dryer, hang them up to dry. Along with preserving your fabric, this will also save you money. You won’t have to worry about maintaining your dryer when you air-dry your clothes.

Use High-quality Hangers

Did you know that the hangers you use can impact your clothing’s life span? Wire hangers do a poor job of supporting garments. If you use these hangers, your clothing could become misshapen. Consider using wooden hangers instead. These solid hangers can support fabric, so you won’t have to worry about misshapen garments. They also look so much nicer than wire hangers, so it’s well worth the upgrade.

Make Clothing Last Longer With an Organic Dry Cleaner

These tips are easy to follow, including using an eco-friendly dry cleaner. You can sign up with an organic dry cleaning company online. Then, the dry cleaner will pick up the clothing for you. When the valet arrives, just put your items in the garment bag. Then, the valet will transport them to the facility for you.

How to Prepare Your Clothing for Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning

How to Prepare Your Clothing for Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning

Is your dry cleaning piling up, and you need to schedule a pick-up? Using an eco-friendly dry cleaning company is a breeze, even when it comes to preparing your clothes. Find out how to get your clothing ready for the company’s valet. The process is so simple that your garments will be ready in a few minutes.

Gather the Garments to Send to the Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning Company

Begin by gathering all of the items that require dry cleaning. If you aren’t sure if something needs to be dry cleaned, read the care instructions on the label. Labels that say “dry clean only” definitely need to go to the organic dry cleaning company.

After you gather your items, think about how many times you’ve worn each one. Most “dry clean only” garments don’t need to be cleaned after each use. Thus, you might have some garments that you can wear another time or two before they need to go to the green earth cleaner in Durango.

As a general rule, you can wear sweaters and blouses three or four times before dry cleaning them. Most pants and skirts need to be dry cleaned after you’ve worn them five times. However, if your pants are made of wool, you can wear them up to 20 times before sending them to an organic dry cleaning company. Sweaters need more frequent cleaning. Send them to the dry cleaner after wearing them two or three times.

Decide If Other Items Need Dry Cleaning

An eco-friendly dry cleaning company can clean other items for you as well. You might want to send your bedding, denim, and more to the dry cleaner. Organic dry cleaning is easier on fabric than washing and drying, so your bedding and garments will last longer. Also, the dry cleaning process preserves colors and can eliminate stubborn stains. Because of that, many people choose to dry clean a variety of items.

Look for Worn Areas in the Fabric

Once you choose which garments to dry clean, inspect each one. Look for weak or worn areas, such as broken zippers.  Place a safety pin next to any problem areas so your dry cleaner will know to take special care when cleaning the items. If you want the dry cleaner to repair the garment, attach a note to the safety pin.

Inspect the Garments for Stains

No matter how careful you are, you can accumulate stains on your clothing. Fortunately, an eco-friendly dry cleaning company can use organic solvents to remove the stains. These solvents lift the stains from the fabric, so your garments will look new again.

You need to use the same technique for marking stains that you used for pointing out worn areas in the fabric. Mark the stain with a safety pin and include a note with information about the stain. Your note should cover the source of the stain and when it occurred. Also, if you tried to treat the stain, add that information as well. Do this for each stain, so your dry cleaner will know how to deal with each one.

Check Your Pockets

Your organic dry cleaner will check the pockets before cleaning your garments. Still, it’s a good idea to check them at home as well. After all, two sets of eyes are better than one. Also, it might be something important that you left in one of the pockets. For example, you don’t want to send your car keys to the dry cleaner. Checking your pockets can save you the hassle of driving to the company to grab something that you need.

Use a Lint Roller to Tackle Pet Hair

If you have pets at home, your garments might contain pet hair. An organic dry cleaning company can remove the pet hair for you. While this won’t increase the price of the service, it will add to the time it takes to clean your clothing. If you want your clothing back sooner, use a lint roller to clean off the pet hair. Then, your eco-friendly dry cleaner won’t have to complete an extra step before cleaning your clothes.

Button Your Shirts and Zip Your Pants

You can also make the dry cleaning process faster by buttoning your shirts and zipping your pants. Don’t worry if you forget. Your local organic dry cleaning company will take care of the buttons and zippers. However, if you want the dry cleaner to jump right in and start cleaning your clothing, this will help.

Put the Clothing in Your Garment Bag

Once your clothing is ready, put it in the garment bag for pick-up. If you have yet to use an organic dry cleaning delivery service, the valet will bring a bag for you to use. Otherwise, you can use the bag the company provided when you first used the service.

Organic dry cleaning companies are committed to doing what’s best for the environment. Because of that, some companies provide customers with reusable, multi-use garment bags. You can use it as a laundry bag, hamper, duffel bag, and garment bag. This significantly reduces plastic waste.

Choose an Attended or Unattended Pick-up

You might not realize this, but you can schedule an attended or unattended pick-up when using an eco-friendly dry cleaning service. That means the valet can pick up your clothes, even if you aren’t home.

If you aren’t going to be home, you will need to decide how to handle the unattended pick-up. For instance, if you live in a building with a doorman, you can leave the clothing in the lobby. Then, the doorman can hand it off. You can also bring it to work and leave it at the reception desk. These are just a couple of options.

Once you schedule the pick-up, take your clothes to the location you selected. Then, the valet will head to your home or office to get your clothing.

Accept the Delivery

A traditional dry cleaning delivery service generally has a three-day turnaround time. If you need your clothing back faster, you can choose the expedited service and get your clothes back the next day. Either way, you can select an attended or unattended delivery.

Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning: What Garments Should You Dry Clean?

Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning: What Garments Should You Dry Clean?

Nothing can ruin clothing faster than machine washing items that need to be dry cleaned. If you want to preserve your clothes, you need to use an eco-friendly dry cleaning service as needed. The question is, which of your clothing needs to be dry cleaned and what can handle the washing machine? Get the details so you can take proper care of your clothes.

Suede Requires Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning

Suede isn’t cheap, so you want to make sure it lasts. Since water can harm suede, you need to use a dry cleaner. Don’t just choose any dry cleaning company, though. Harsh chemicals can damage suede, so you need to select an eco-friendly dry cleaning company. Organic dry cleaners don’t use toxic chemicals, so you won’t have to worry about the company damaging your suede garments.

Silk Must Be Dry Cleaned

Silk garments can also be quite expensive, and they require special care. Manufacturers use dye to color the natural fibers. However, the dye isn’t fully absorbed, so the colors will bleed if you wash the items with water. Also, the natural fibers might become mishappen and shrink when you use soap and water. An organic dry cleaning delivery service will use special, non-toxic chemicals that preserve the colors and the fit. Then, your silk garments will look new from one season to the next.

Suits Need to Be Dry Cleaned

You want to look your best every time you put your suit on. That’s why it’s so important to get your suits dry cleaned. Dry cleaning doesn’t change the shape or fit of suits. Thus, even if you get your suits tailored, they will look and feel the same when they come back from the dry cleaner. On the other hand, if you try to machine wash your suits, they might come out torn and misshapen. Then, you’ll look frumpy when you wear your suits.

Embellished and Pleated Clothing Need a Dry Cleaning Delivery Service

You also need to take special care of embellished and pleated clothing. If you toss these garments in the washing machine, they might come out without embellishments and pleats. An organic dry cleaner will take special care when cleaning these items, so you’ll get them back in excellent condition. Also, a dry cleaning delivery service can make alterations and repair your garments. Thus, if you have loose embellishments or damaged pleats, the company can fix the problems for you.

Clothing With Lining Should Be Dry Cleaned

Do you have clothing with lining? If anything happens to the lining, the clothing will become mishappen and ill-fitting. Because of that, you should take all clothing with lining to a dry cleaning company. Dry cleaners take special care with these garments, ensuring that the lining remains intact during the cleaning. Then, your clothes will fit like a glove when you get them back.

Rayon Should Only Be Dry Cleaned

Did you know that laundering rayon in a washing machine won’t clean it? Also, it could damage the material. If you have any clothing made of rayon, send the garments to an eco-friendly dry cleaning company.

Wool Is Best When Dry Cleaned

Have you ever taken a wool sweater out of the washing machine, only to realize it’s not the same shape it was before cleaning? While wool isn’t “dry clean only,” dry cleaning is essential if you want it to maintain its shape. Otherwise, you could end up with ill-fitting and boxy wool clothing. Unfortunately, when that happens, you have no choice but to throw it away. Thus, it makes sense to use an organic dry cleaning delivery service for your wool garments.

Linen Remains Crips and Wrinkle-Free When You Use a Dry Cleaner

You have two options with linen. You can wash and iron it, or you can send it to a dry cleaning company. Since linen can be so challenging to iron, many people choose a dry cleaning company. If you do this, you can also extend the life of your linens.

Cashmere Can Be Dry Cleaned or Handwashed

As with linen, you have two choices with cashmere. You can dry clean it or handwash it. If you choose to handwash, use a cashmere shampoo and launder it in cold water. Then, hang it up to dry.

If you prefer to dry clean it, it’s essential to choose an eco-friendly green earth cleaning in Durango that uses a gentle solvent. This solvent is so gentle that it preserves cashmere. At the same time, it has a low surface tension, so it will penetrate the fabric and remove stains. Also, Green earth is chemically inert, so you won’t have to worry about chemical reactions with the dyes or fabric.

Oversized Items

You don’t want to overload your washing machine. That can damage the machine, and it also prevents it from cleaning the items. Thus, if you have oversized items, such as comforters, consider using an organic dry cleaning delivery service. Your items will be clean and free of stains when you get them back, and your washing machine will remain in good shape.

High-End Jeans Should Be Dry Cleaned

You can spend a bundle on high-end jeans. When you spend that much money, you want the jeans to last and last. While handwashing or machine washing and hanging them up to dry is an option, many people prefer using a dry cleaning company. The company will ensure that the jeans have the same look and fit when you get them back.

Reasons why Eco-friendly dry cleaning should be fully adopted

Reasons why Eco-friendly dry cleaning should be fully adopted

At some point in your life, you must have heard about the increasing rate of climate change. People are taking various measures to be environmentally conscious in order to slow down this rate because our collective choices determine if we will succeed or fail in this quest.

Doing the right things to save the Earth from the disastrous effects of climate change begins with the small actions they take. One of which is using the eco-friendly option when you want to dry clean your clothes and other fabrics. This is not to undermine the merits of traditional dry-cleaning because going for eco-friendly dry cleaning is using one stone to kill two birds.

If you are wondering how you can save the environment through dry cleaning, here are some things to know

1. Reduced odds of health problems

People who know the value of eco-friendly dry cleaning will agree that all cleaning products do not come with many health risks, unlike conventional dry cleaning. Eco-friendly dry cleaning products do not have volatile organic substances that cause health problems like cancer, skin irritation, etc.

Anyone who is exposed to these chemicals for a long time stands the chance of damaging their kidneys or lungs. In comparison, products like an environmentally-friendly laundry detergent do not come with toxic ingredients that affect our health. Generally, since eco-friendly dry cleaning is water-based, your clothes will have a longer lifespan because of the gentle wash they will receive.

2. Improved air quality

You might love the fragrance that comes with inhaling your clothes after regular dry-cleaning, but this is because you have not used the eco-friendly option. When you inhale the fragrance after traditional dry cleaning, there is a chance of taking in toxic chemicals.

On the other hand, you are not at risk with eco-friendly dry cleaning because they are usually plant-based. So, they don’t emit smells that induce allergies. Most eco-friendly products like detergents don’t have chlorine mixes that usually cause a reduction in the ozone layer.

3. Saves Energy and Water

With eco-friendly dry cleaning, you will be saving energy and water, which would be used for other purposes. Eco-friendly dry cleaning comes with a short spinning time. This means that you can launder your clothes faster than traditional dry cleaning and save on the entire energy expended. More so, this dry cleaning method doesn’t need much water to remove dirt and stains.

4. It is quite affordable

Will you be surprised to hear that eco-friendly dry cleaning are sometimes more affordable than traditional dry cleaning? The reason is, traditional dry cleaners spend more in getting chemicals to clean our clothes. And since people are waking up to their adverse effects, taxes are being placed on some of them. The case is different with eco-friendly dry-cleaning solvents, which are not as expensive as those chemicals.

5. Effective in stain removal

Since you want to save the environment and clean your clothes, you can achieve both goals with eco-friendly dry cleaning. The solvents used in this cleaning method have a profound penetration power that eliminates dirt and stains in clothes. These solvents perform better than the toxic chemicals used in traditional dry cleaning. This means that your clothes will look better with organic dry cleaning.

6. Keeps your clothes in a good condition

If you want what is best for your clothes, you need to try out eco-friendly dry cleaning. In traditional dry cleaning, there are some substances that can damage the quality of your clothes over time. You will even notice that it is more difficult to remove some stubborn stains.

Eco-friendly cleaning agents are usually gentle on clothes with no hidden risks. With these cleaning agents, you can launder your clothes multiple times without incurring any damage, which enhances the longevity of your clothes. In addition to clothing, if you have other fabrics that you want to last, try out eco-friendly dry cleaning.

7. To support organic dry cleaners in saving the planet

You might be surprised to hear that some eco dry cleaners are involved in projects to save the environment and the planet at large. This means that they need sufficient funds to achieve this. You can lend your support by patronizing them and also saving the environment indirectly.

Eco-friendly dry cleaners are passionate about the environment, and they often plan various strategies to protect the planet. So, spending your money on eco-friendly dry cleaning will go a long way in playing your part.

8. To teach people about the importance of saving the planet

Not everyone knows the implication of their actions on the planet. If they were properly informed, they would stop some of their present activities. You can be a good example by teaching people how to save the planet by reducing the rate of climate change through eco-friendly dry cleaning. When people see your level of dedication to this cause, they will be motivated to take action.

Additionally, when everyone around you contributes their quota in reversing global warming effects, it is a stepping stone to achieving more with other people. It might be a far cry to get this done, but once you compare the benefits of eco-friendly dry cleaning to the traditional means, people will be convinced to give it a try.


This article was written to make you leverage the merits of eco-friendly dry cleaning, especially if you are used to traditional dry cleaning and opt for taking help from the professional green earth cleaner in Durango. Hence, this is not to undermine traditional dry cleaning in anyway but to open your eyes to the beauty of eco-friendly dry cleaning that should not be overlooked.

To make things easier, you can use an eco-friendly dry cleaning pickup and delivery service. They will handle your laundry while you go about other activities. With eco-friendly dry cleaning, you can be sure that you are playing your part in saving the environment.