How Long Does Dry Cleaning Take?

How Long Does Dry Cleaning Take?

As soon as you drop your clothes at the dry cleaning, you slowly start counting as the days drag by waiting for the pickup date. Some dry cleaning services are faster while with others, you have to wait longer to get your dry cleaning completed.

It begs the question, “How long does dry cleaning take?”

Like most questions with dry cleaning, the answer is not definite. It depends on a variety of factors, some of which rely on the shop and others on the garments you want dry cleaned.

How Dry Cleaning Works

To understand the timelines given by your dry cleaning service, you have to know how dry cleaning works. There are many steps involved, but they can be easily condensed into five easy to explain steps.

  • Receiving and inspection – First, you deliver your garments to the shop. They are received and the attendant who inspects the clothes. The attendant will check the labels to make sure you’ve brought the right clothes and the right materials. The attendant will also check for tears and missing buttons before the cleaning process starts. The attendant might ask a few questions like if you want the damages repaired or buttons replaced to customize your bill better.
  • Pre-treatment – Once the clothes have been received and inspected, there’s one more step before the cleaning starts: That’s pre-treatment. In this step, the cleaner will look for stains and apply chemicals to them. The process makes it easier to remove during the cleaning phase.
  • Dry cleaning – Attendants soak the clothes in machines filled with chemical solvents to clean them and get rid of the stains. This process doesn’t take a long time.
    Spot checking – Once the clothes leave the dry cleaner, some dry cleaners have a post checking process to identify any stains that might have been missed and might require additional treatment or another round of cleaning. The extra round guarantees pristine results for all your dry cleaning.
  • Finishing – if there are no spots, the cleaners proceed to press, fold and package your clothes. At this point, your clothes are ready for pick up.

How Long Does the Dry Cleaning Process Take?

The process of dry cleaning clothes shouldn’t take more than a few hours. However, there are numerous factors at play that can prolong this process to a couple of days before you can get your clothes ready for delivery.

Some of these factors include:

Location of the Shop

Some dry cleaning shops are in busy neighborhoods and have high traffic. With the increased demand for their services, it might take a longer time to get your order completed.

Location of the Cleaning Site

Most dry cleaners will tell you that they have all their services offered on-site. However, that’s not entirely true. Most of the small businesses will often outsource the services. This can lead to longer waiting times, depending on how busy the cleaning site is.

The distance to the cleaning site also matters. The clothes are ferried to the cleaning location and back. It’s a tedious process that might take vital hours and make the wait even longer. For sites that are closer to the dry cleaning shop, the waiting time might be shorter.

Type of Garments and Items to be Cleaned

The type of garments or things you want to be cleaned can determine how long you have to wait until the items are ready for pickup. For typical clothing, the waiting time is often shorter compared to specialty items like wedding dresses and tuxedos.

For the most delicate pieces, the dry cleaner might outsource the service to specialists who will guarantee the best results. Unfortunately, this means you have to wait even longer before you can get your items back.

The Services You Seek

You could also be the cause of the long wait. Cleaning basic fabrics and pressing them won’t take more than a few days. But, if you have exclusive materials that require proper handling, repairs, and other specialized services, the waiting period dramatically increases.

Is it Possible to Reduce the Waiting Times?

Yes, there are several steps you can take to ensure you get your dry cleaning back faster. Here are a few of them.

  • Find a less busy dry cleaner – if your current dry cleaners is a favorite among many, you shouldn’t expect the length of wait to be short. Instead, try to find a dry cleaner with less work on their hands but offers the same quality service. It will cut down the waiting time drastically.
  • Go for dry cleaners that offer on-site cleaning – it’s not easy to find a service that provides all their services on-site. However, try and find one that offers the core services. It will make it easier to get your dry cleaning back faster. However, you might wait longer for special services.
  • Take your dry-cleaning in bundles – Usually, takes the same period to get one item ready as it does a few pieces
  • Go for premium services – dry cleaners are not oblivious to the concern of customers having to wait for a long time for their dry cleaning. Like other businesses, they leverage on this need by offering various services that promise to get your dry cleaning done faster at a price. Some of the options available include premium services and same-day dry cleaning. These are especially feasible if
    you have to get the dry cleaning done on short notice.

The Takeaway

The waiting game with dry cleaning is not one you can win. You either have to spend time waiting or spend some extra money if you’re not willing to wait. When it comes to dry cleaning, it’s best to give ample time and have your dry cleaning done way before you need it.

It will save you the pain of anxiously waiting or denting your budget. Alternatively, you can try and find an excellent dry cleaner where you’re a regular customer and see if they can get your dry cleaning back to you in a shorter time.

So if you are frequent about dry cleaning services then you can visit the experts who offers green earth cleaning in Durango.

Importance of Regular Dry Cleaning

Importance of Regular Dry Cleaning

Although you understand the process of cleaning your clothes in a standard washer and dryer, dry cleaning is a different matter. Dry cleaning is called such because the cleaning process uses little or no water as the cleaners used are organic solvents to remove stains and soil from garments.

Clothing items made of natural fibers including silk and wool may fade, shrink, or lose their shape if laundered in a washing machine, but dry cleaning these items doesn’t cause swelling the fibers that lead to damage and discoloration.

Dry Cleaning Benefits Over Normal Laundering

The solvents used in dry cleaning dissolve and remove oil and grease stains, which is something that water alone can’t accomplish. For other types of stains, the dry cleaner performs spot treatments that may involve the use of steam or other professional skills and expertise only a dry cleaner possesses.

The process of cleaning the garment with solvents doesn’t crease or distort garments, but it also can’t restore an item that has lost its shape. However, a skilled dry cleaner can re-shape the garment, restore creases and eliminate wrinkles through steam pressing. The entire process of dry cleaning includes cleaning with solvents, spot treatment and a final press of the garment.

Limitations of Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaners can do amazing things to restore clothing to its original shape, remove stains and provide a thorough cleaning, but there are limits to what they can achieve. Even the most experienced and skilled dry cleaner may not have the ability to accomplish the following:

  • Remove ingrained grime and dirt that accumulated over years
  • Completely remove all stains
  • Restore torn or worn areas
  • Prevent holes created by insects, pests, snagging or acid
  • Remove the shiny appearance caused by too much pressure and heat during home ironing
  • Correct damage from improper stain removal

Some of the above issues such as ingrained grime can be prevented with regular dry cleaning. It’s not always possible to remove every stain due to the type and age of stain and the construction and color of the fabric. Even at-home stain removal can fail in such instances.

Dry cleaners with tailoring or alteration services can repair holes and some wear, but it’s not included in their usual dry cleaning service. Sometimes holes in garments appear after dry cleaning, but this is due to weakened fibers that existed before cleaning.

Obtaining the Best Results from Dry Cleaning

To obtain the best results from dry cleaning your clothing, you need to follow a few practices that help protect your clothing and extend their longevity. These practices include:

  • Regular dry cleaning
  • Bringing garment in as soon as possible following a stain
  • Discuss stains and point out spills to dry cleaner
  • Prevent contact between clothing and solutions with alcohol such as cologne or perfume as this can result in color loss
  • Protect delicate fabrics like silk from excess sweat as this can weaken fibers
  • Wait until your antiperspirant or deodorant is dry to dress
  • Avoid exposing your delicate garments to prolonged direct sunlight
  • Never iron clothing with stains as this can set the stains in

Make sure all of your dry clean only clothing continues to look its best with professional dry cleaning services from professional green earth cleaner in Durango.

Organic Dry Cleaning for Bedding: Learn the Benefits

Organic Dry Cleaning for Bedding: Learn the Benefits

Do you normally throw your bedding in the washing machine and dryer? Before putting in another load, go over the benefits of organic dry cleaning for bedding. Then, you’ll see that dry cleaning is the clear choice for comforters, blankets, and other bedding.

Avoid Toxins With Organic Dry Cleaning

You spend about a third of your life in bed. Because of that, you want your bedding to be free of toxins and dangerous chemicals. You can keep your bedroom toxin-free with an organic dry cleaning service. An eco-friendly dry cleaning company will freshen up your bedding with non-toxic solvents that remove stains and odors without putting your family at risk.

Once your bedding comes back, you won’t have to worry about being exposed to toxins when you snuggle up at night. That means you can rest (and breathe) easily.

Deep-clean Bedding With Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning

Did you know that your bedding is likely full of dirt, dust mites, and skin cells? You might see the dirt and grime, but the dust mites and skin cells stay hidden. They often dig deep into the fabric, gathering in places that your washing machine can’t reach. Organic dry cleaners use solvents that penetrate fabric and lift out stains and organic matter. That means your bedding will be much cleaner when handled by an organic dry cleaning company.
Dry cleaners are also better at removing dirt and grime on the surface.

It’s hard for the water and detergent to reach all areas when washing bulky bedding. You could end up with portions of the bedding that are as dirty after washing as they were before. Thus, dry cleaning is the right option if you want clean bedding.

Keep Your Bedding Looking (and Feeling) Like New

Have you ever taken bedding out of the wash, only to realize the colors have faded and little fuzzballs have formed on the fabric? If so, you were probably pretty unhappy with the results. Faded colors and fuzzballs make bedding look shabby. Plus, those fuzzballs are anything but soft and comfortable.

Fortunately, you can easily avoid this with eco-friendly dry cleaning. Dry cleaning preserves colors. Because it’s gentle on fabric, you don’t have to worry about the fibers tangling and breaking, forming fuzzballs. If you want your bedding to last longer (and feel better), it makes sense to use a dry cleaning company.

Avoid Lumps

Your bedding twists and turns during a cycle in the washing machine. This causes it to bunch up, trapping moisture inside. The trapped moisture forms lumps throughout the bedding. Lumpy bedding isn’t comfortable, and it also might not keep you warm at night.
Organic dry cleaning doesn’t leave any moisture behind. Without the trapped moisture, you won’t have to worry about uncomfortable and unsightly lumps.

Get Rid of Stains With Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning

It’s easy to get stains on your bedding. Tossing the bedding in the washing machine might cause the stains to set in, so the fabric will look gross and dirty when it’s done. Your local dry cleaning delivery service has the solvents and skills needed to remove tough stains. When you send your bedding to a dry cleaner, you can expect it to come back free of stains, so it’ll look as good as it did when you purchased it.

Keep Your Washing Machine in Great Condition By Dry Cleaning Bedding

Your washing machine does a fantastic job of cleaning most of your clothes. However, it’s probably not large enough to tackle your bedding. If your washing machine is too small for comforters and other bedding, you could end up damaging it when washing a load. If you don’t want to end up with costly repairs, use an organic dry cleaning company instead. Then, you won’t have to fix your washing machine or upgrade to a commercial-grade machine that can handle massive loads.

Maintain the Right Fit With Organic Dry Cleaning

Shrinking is something else you have to worry about when machine-washing bedding. Your bedding can shrink a little bit each time you wash it. Eventually, it’ll shrink so much that it no longer fits the bed. Dry cleaners use solvents instead of water, so you don’t have to worry about your bedding shrinking. Then, it’ll be easier to cuddle up in your bed after a long day.

Enjoy a Stress-free Experience With Dry Cleaning

Using a dry cleaning delivery service is much easier than laundering your bedding yourself. Just consider what goes into properly washing a comforter. First, you need to spot treat the stains with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. It probably won’t get out of all of the stains, but you’ll still need to try to remove some of them when machine washing.

Then, you have to make sure that your washing machine and dryer are large enough to handle the load. If they are, you need to use the proper setting and water temperature, or you’ll increase the risk of shrinking and tearing the bedding.

Once it’s finished washing, you need to throw some tennis balls in the dryer to fluff the bedding during the cycle. Also, you have to put the dryer on low heat, so it takes ages for everything to dry. When it comes to dry cleaning bedding, it’s clear that getting a dry cleaning delivery service is easier. You simply schedule the pickup online or via an app and then hand your bedding off to the pros.

Schedule an Organic Dry Cleaning Delivery Service

These benefits prove that organic dry cleaning is the clear choice when it comes to cleaning bedding. Your bedding will be fresh, free of toxins, and last longer when you use a dry cleaning company. Plus, your washing machine is less likely to break down when you don’t overfill it with bedding.

You can start the process by scheduling a green earth cleaner in Durango. Choose from traditional and on-demand delivery services based on how fast you need the bedding back. Then, prepare your bedding and other garments for dry cleaning and give them to the valet during the pickup. Once your bedding is at the dry cleaner’s, you can go about your day without having to deal with doing laundry. It’s so easy that you’ll wonder why you haven’t been dry cleaning bedding all along.

How to care of Tuxedo?


A Tuxedo is one of the most important pieces of clothing in a man’s closet. You may not wear a Tuxedo every day, but you need to have a properly kept Tuxedo hanging in your closet to deal with various occasions. If you do not pay attention to the maintenance of your suit, the “life” of a good suit will become short and limited.

Tips for Clean Suit

Men’s suits are generally required to be dry cleaned in terms of washing. Be sure to find a specialized and reliable dry cleaner who provides professional care for your suit, reducing the possibility of staining and the fabric of the suit being ironed.

Dry clean your suits according to your needs and minimize the number of cleanings. The maximum durability of general suits is 4~5 years, and in terms of washing methods even for dry cleaning, top brands only guarantee no blistering within 6 dry cleaning times. The main component of the senior suit fabric is wool, and since dry cleaners can be a little negligent in the choice of washing methods and washing liquids, it is recommended that the number of times a suit is dry cleaned should be minimized, once a year is the best.

When the suit is soiled, it is important to remove the stains on top of the suit in time so that the stains are not easy to remove for too long. If there is a small area of stain you can use the partial cleaning method, to produce the stain in the shortest time with a cloth dipped in water or a little detergent gently rub, the stain will slowly disappear. Be careful not to rub the stain or dirt hard to avoid its penetration into the fabric.

Inform the dry cleaner where your suit stains remain so that the dry cleaner does not neglect to cause permanent residual stains.

There is a good chance that your tuxedo is the most-expensive piece of clothing that you own. If that is the case, you obviously want to be careful to protect it as completely as possible as the years go by. The last thing you want to have to do is rush out to buy a new tuxedo because you have mistreated your current one. With some simple steps, however, you can learn how to take care of your tuxedo and you can continue to wear it for years to come. For professional wash of your tuxedo opt for the best service of green earth cleaning in Durango.

Get the Right Hangers

One of the best things you can do when taking care of your tuxedo is simply to hang it up on a hanger that is designed for the job. The cheap hangers that you get from the department store when you purchase a shirt are not a good fit for this job, so don’t even try. Rather, you will want to use an actual jacket hanger that has been designed to protect the shape of your tuxedo jacket as it hangs. For your trousers, simply hang them from the waist using a pair of clips that are meant for the job.

Get the Right Bag

Much of the job when it comes to storing and caring for your tuxedo comes down to having the right equipment. In addition to the jacket hanger mentioned above, you also want to have a breathable suit bag on hand that you can put your tuxedo in when you aren’t going to be wearing it. Trapping moisture around your suit is trouble in terms of mold and other growth, so a breathable bag is always the way to go. With your tux in the right bag, it should be able to remain mold-free for many years to come.

Blotting is the Key

If you happen to spill something on your tuxedo, don’t panic – you should be able to avoid permanent damage as long as you act wisely. If you decide to try wiping off the food or drink, you could wind up forcing the spill down into the fabric, and it probably will never come out. Instead, use a blotting motion with a white towel or napkin to pick up as much of the spill as possible, and then leave it alone until you can have the tuxedo properly cleaned.

Clean, then Store

One of the most-common mistakes made by tuxedo owners is failing to have the tux cleaned before it is stored for an extended period of time. When you know you are going to be putting the tuxedo into the closet for a significant amount of time, you should always take it for a cleaning first. This will take care of any minor stains, spills, odors, and more that might have made their way into the tux. Once its clean, you can store it in the previously mentioned breathable bag with confidence.

How to Clean Your Suit Jacket in 9 Easy Steps

How to Clean Your Suit Jacket in 9 Easy Steps
How to Clean Your Suit Jacket in 9 Easy Steps

If you buy a travel-sized garment steamer, this method works wonderfully at home or on the road. It’s an easy way to stay fresh and unwrinkled, even when traveling.

1. Take it off

When you arrive at home, remove your suit jacket immediately, shake it, and hang it in a ventilated area for perspiration or condensation to evaporate. Thirty minutes should be enough.

2. Brush and roll

Using a suit brush, start at the shoulders and brush downward. Brush down the sleeves, front, and back, under the arms and down the sides. Use the same method to roll the jacket using the lint roller.

3. Spot clean

If you find a stain, break out the clean white cloths and pick one of our spot cleaning solutions and cleaning methods based on the type of stain. Carefully clean the spot. 

Tip: Check the care label before attempting a cleaning process and exercise extreme caution when trying to spot clean certain fabrics, like suede or other types of leather.

4. Steam cleaning

Working from the shoulders down, steam the sleeves, jacket front, jacket back, sides, and insides. Hold the steamer head close to the fabric, being careful not to burn your hands. Steam will not harm the fabric, but it can painfully burn your skin. Steaming should release all the wrinkles and remove subtle smells.

5. Press

If you find any stubborn wrinkles or the suit fabric seems a bit saggy, use your iron to finish those areas. If your suit is too rumpled to look professional, it’s easy to find a dry cleaner near you. 

6. The smell test

Steaming should have released any residual smells from the environment or light perspiration, but it won’t erase deep funky smells. Give your suit jacket a good sniff to make sure there are no lingering odors. If your suit jacket still smells after steaming, you need to have it dry cleaned.

7. Air dry

Hang your suit jacket in a well ventilated area to make sure it’s fully dry before storing. 

8.  Hang properly

If you’re satisfied with how your suit jacket looks and smells, hang it on a wooden hanger designed for suits. Flocked plastic or suit hangers are also a good choice. You need a hangar that’s designed to support the shoulders of the jacket all the way to the sleeves, and one that’s strong enough to support the weight of the jacket.

Tip: Keep a quality suit hanger in your office or car to hang your jacket wherever you happen to be during the day. This will help preserve the shape and drape of your jacket.

9. Practice good closeting

Store your suit jacket in a cool, dark, dry closet with a couple of inches between it and other garments. Never store clean suit jackets in the plastic bags from a dry cleaner. 

Tips for Traveling With a Suit Jacket

Whether you’re on a road trip or just driving into the city, these tips will help you get to your destination fresh and unrumpled.

  • Hang your jacket while driving. Driving is sweaty, rumply business. Hang your suit from a quality hanger while driving and in your hotel room (if you’re staying in a hotel)
  • Pack a portable steamer. They are small and relatively inexpensive. Good Housekeeping tested garment steamers, and their top overall choice is the Conair Turbo ExtremeSteam Handheld Fabric Steamer. It’s inexpensive, compact enough to pack, and fully featured for use at home or on the road.
  • Take along a breathable fabric garment bag to protect your suit jacket. 

Why You Should Not Wash Your Suit Jacket At Home

You can wash a suit jacket, but we don’t recommend it, especially for a tailored custom suit jacket marked “Dry Clean Only.” Too many mishaps could happen to your expensive garment:

  • Woven fabric shrinks and warps, which could leave your jacket shapeless or bumpy.
  • Lining fabric does not shrink, and could wind up loose, saggy, and even hang below the hem.
  • The green earth cleaners in Durango might use presses designed specifically to press suit jackets to get that crisp new look. It’s nearly impossible to achieve a professional press with an iron.

Laundry Hacks for College Students

Laundry Hacks for College Students
Laundry Hacks for College Students

College is when most of us have the realization of the real hard work required with laundry. You might be missing mom and dad and the luxuries of having parents to do your laundry. Or maybe you miss your parents’ washers and dryers because community washers and dryers aren’t what you are used to. Are you having a hard time remembering all of mom’s instructions on laundry tips and tricks? Did you mess up clothes yet?

Make Your Sorting Process Easy

Shared laundry spaces never have the type of sorting space that makes sorting fast and easy. Even though your dorm room may seem small, you will have more space to sort all your loads out than in your communal laundry room. Sorting isn’t fun, but you need to take the time to make sure you do it right to avoid mistakes. Separate your lights, whites, darks, and items that might need to be hand-washed/delicate before you start the wash.

It’s worth the investment and time to use laundry bags to put your dirty clothes away based on lights, whites, and darks. Sorted dirty laundry bags will help you avoid the long sorting process before wash day.

Double Check The Washer And Dryer

Before you dump your clothes into the washing machine or dryer, be sure to double-check the inside first. That goes for resting your clothes on top of surfaces as well. The last thing you want to do is rest your clothes on top of a puddle of bleach! You came to clean your clothes not to damage them permanently. It’s essential to look inside because someone could have accidentally left something inside that could damage/stain your clothes. Always before to look before you load!

Watch The Time

Immediately after you start your load, set a timer, or actively watch the clock. Stick around your laundry and be on the lookout for any complications. If you must go back to your room, rely on the timer. You dont want to be that person who leaves their clothes in too long and not allowing other people to use the machines. Getting your clothes from the dryer on time avoids wrinkles, which will save you time on ironing in the future.

Washing and drying clothes can become overwhelming and seriously get in the way of studying. You can leave the chores up to green earth cleaners in Durango. Their wash and fold service is similar to doing your laundry in your dorm.

Grass Stain Removal from clothes

Grass Stain Removal from clothes
Grass Stain Removal from clothes

Whether you’re a parent or just somebody who enjoys the great outdoors, you should really know how to remove grass stains from clothes. Many people believe that it’s just kids and sports stars that end up covered head to toe in mucky grass stains, but even the most careful of us can have an embarrassing slip on some wet grass, leaving a greenish-brown tell-tale mark.

No matter what method of grass stain removal you use, it is always best to test the cleaning product or method on a small, inconspicuous area of the garment, such as the inside of the sleeve or leg, and always follow the advice on the label. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Whatever method of grass stain removal you choose to use, you’ll need to start with soaking the clothing in cold water – never hot water. Many of us think hot water is better at getting dirty marks out, and while this is true for stains that are oily or greasy, it works in the opposite way for others. Hot water can set the stain into the fabric, so using cold water is the preference here. What soaking does is simply soften the stain, so that it’s more vulnerable to the effects of the cleaning solutions. Here’s what you can use to see great results:

Detergent or Stain Remover

Sometimes, all you need is laundry detergent – no other products required! Using a biological detergent can help treat stains, including grass stains. Simply rub the stain with a small amount of detergent – this pre-treatment will help to loosen the stain. Then, wash your garment as normal. Easy!

Rubbing Alcohol

Alcohol is a solvent, which helps to lift off the green pigmentation left by the grass. To use, apply a small amount to a clean sponge and dab it across the stain (remember to read the care label and test on a small area first). Don’t wipe or scrub – you’ll spread the dirty mark across more of your clothing or even make it more difficult to remove.Rinse in cold water, and then apply a small amount of liquid detergent (or powdered detergent made into a paste with a little water), massaging it into the clothing, helping it to get deeper into the fabric. Leave to sit for 5 minutes before washing in the machine as normal.


Most hairsprays contain alcohol, so these hair products can have a similar effect to rubbing alcohol. It’s a little more work to use hairspray, and the results aren’t quite as good, so it’s best to use this method for mild discolouring. Apply the hairspray to the stain and allow to dry. Use a stiff bristled brush, such as an old, clean toothbrush, and scrub at the stain. Apply detergent and wash as explained above.

Sometimes the stains become so stubborn and as a result it becomes difficult to remove them. In this case reach out to the professional cleaners providing laundry services in Durango.

Take care of your wedding dress

Take care of your wedding dress
Take care of your wedding dress

Your wedding day was the best day of your life and will leave you with precious memories for years to come. However, your precious wedding dress also lived your best day right there with you, but may not be quite so keen to retain the memories of your big day.

We are talking about those grass stains, red wine stains, sauce, gravy or grease splashes, spilt cocktails, perfume, mascara and make-up residue from the endless tear-stained hugs from family and friends, and even damage done to the hem of your dress by your high-heels while bopping the night away on the dance floor.

A lot of new brides would like to keep their wedding dress clean and well preserved for the future, and the best way to do this is to have it professionally dry cleaned by green earth cleaners in Durango.

Buttons, pearls, lace and bows

You may have chosen beautiful pearl buttons, fine lace layers, and jewel embellishments that can be fragile and prone to chipping, cracking or breaking off completely.

Some less careful dry cleaners often don’t protect these delicate touches that make your wedding dress so special and beautiful.

The professionals take care to remove any fragile buttons and embellishments before cleaning and replace them afterwards. However, they will take great care to fully assess your wedding dress before agreeing to dry clean it and will tell you if  there will be any problems with the process.

Special treatment for wedding dresses

Wedding dresses are usually top-quality garments that use natural fabrics and natural materials for buttons, such as bone or shell. These natural materials can be brittle and can easily chip or crack, even while the dress is being worn.

Wedding dress dry cleaning is a very gentle yet effective way to lift out difficult stains like champagne, red wine and other food or drink stains. They don’t use harmful chemicals in our dry cleaning processes so your dress fabric will be preserved in fantastic condition.

After being carefully dry cleaned, your wedding dress will be hand-pressed by skilled pressers and your dress will be returned to you in a protective garment bag or wedding dress box.

Clothes you should not wash in the washing machine

Clothes you should not wash in the washing machine
Clothes you should not wash in the washing machine

Washing machines are a blessing because they clean dirty laundry with the tap of a few buttons. Of course, in many parts of the world, people still wash their clothes by hand due to limited water supply or because they can’t afford an automatic washing machine. Overall, these innovations make our lives much more convenient.

Of course, each invention comes with limitations. Not abiding by them can put you in serious, irreversible trouble. While washing machines are indeed a godsend, you should be careful of what you put inside them.

Things that you should never put in a washing machine are discussed below:


When it comes to women’s swimwear, it is best to handwash them. Are you wondering why? Sure, swimwear is most useful when it’s inside water, but that doesn’t include water inside of a washing machine. In addition to this, when you wash your swimsuit alongside clothes with zippers or, say, hooks, they can end up damaging them.

Woolen or cashmere garments

Such garments are very expensive, not to mention delicate. Often times, people end up neglecting the care label that comes with these types of garments.  The labels clearly say to treat the garment carefully, indicating that it is best to dry clean or hand wash them.


Suits feature high-quality materials and complex stitching. If you put them in the washing machine, they could easily shrink or might even tear, regardless of whether you run it on a delicate cycle. Therefore, when you need to clean a suit, make sure you opt for green earth cleaners in Durango.

Sequin garments

Those lovely, glittery pieces may be the true stars of your wardrobe. This implies that they don’t belong in washing machines.  The water’s intensity can tear sequins from the fabric, and we are sure you wouldn’t want that. Hence, when it comes to embellished clothing, make sure to handwash them.

Finally, make sure not to add excessive amounts of detergent to your washing machine. A common misconception is that adding more detergent will give you cleaner clothes. The truth is that the extra detergent ruins the fabric. Moreover, overdosing the clothes with excessive detergent means that the fabric will absorb most of the product. As a result, the clothes will somehow find a way to trap in body odor. When it comes to using detergent in a washer machine, less is more!

Remove stains from dry clean only clothes

Remove stains from dry clean only clothes
Remove stains from dry clean only clothes

Have you stained your favorite shirt, but don’t have money to take it to the dry cleaner? Try the guidelines in this article to help you clean the stains without damaging your clothes!

Checking the labels on your clothes:

The first thing you want to do is read the label on your garments. This label has useful information on it, such as whether it is safe to iron the fabric. The fabrics that should only be dry cleaned are leather, cashmere, rayon, and suede. Almost all other fabrics can be carefully washed at home.

Examine for stain

Scrutinize the clothing for the stain to pinpoint what type of stain it is. The method and cleaning items you will use to clean the stain depends on the kind of stain on the garment. For example, oil-based stains can be safely removed using baking soda. Also, food stains can be safely removed using white vinegar.

Get your cleaning supplies together:

You will need the following supplies regardless of the type of stain: a cloth or towel, paper towels, a scraper, cold water.

Scrape off difficult dirt

Goopy textures such as much or jelly can be difficult to scrape off. A butter knife will help scrape off any rough textures. Next, you should use a clean towel to blot the stain. You will want to avoid worsening the stain by moving your towel if you notice the stain spreading further onto the clothes. You might have to add a cleaning solution if the water is not strong enough to remove the stain. After the stain is removed, blot the area with a wet cloth to remove the cleaning solution. Allow your garment to air dry after removing the cleaning solution.

Miscellaneous Advice to Clean Clothes that claim to be Dry Clean Only

  • You can invest in dry cleaning kits for the home.
  • Alcohol is very effective at removing many stains. Always have a bottle of hand sanitizer along with cotton swabs to remove any stains immediately.
  • Effective stain removal products such as Carbona Stain Devils can be useful to have on hand.
  • When it comes to removing a stain, the faster you treat it after the stain happens, the better chances you have of entirely removing the stain.
  • Try rubbing the solution on a hidden area of the garment (the inside) as a test before applying it to the stain to see if it will ruin the color.

It is important to note that no matter how many hacks you use, sometimes it is best to consult professionals that use the method of green earth cleaning in Durango so that the garment is prevented from damage. The cleaning method discussed in this article can be a practical way to cut down costs, but should not be used under certain circumstances. It is best to do your research about a specific fabric before attempting to clean it at home.