How to choose a good laundry service

How to choose a good laundry service

A quick google search of ‘launderette near me’ will show an abundance of laundry services available to you. With so many options out there, it can be confusing on how to choose a good laundry service for you and your family.

Every laundry company claims to cater to your needs and do an impeccable job. How many of them are correct in their claims?

While looking for an excellent service, certain key factors should be kept in mind. If you are looking for one, then continue reading. You might find something useful that can help you in finding the right service for you.

Why Choose a Launderette for Your Dirty Clothes?

Managing work and personal life become hard. If there is a load of laundry sitting in the corner waiting for your attention, then it might become more challenging to manage. The busy schedule offers less time to finish chores. To help you achieve both, there are some options to consider. One of the options is to get your laundry done from a launderette that offers free collection & delivery. Choosing a laundry service can be both time saving and life-saving.

With the help of a good launderette, you can perform personal tasks better while the cleaning department can take care of your belongings. This is the reason that you can give the pile of dirty clothes to the launderette. However, you want to make sure you choose a good laundry service so that your clothes don’t come back smelling bad and ruined…

How to Find the Best Launderette for Your Clothes?

Industries thrive on innovations. The laundry industry is no exception. Since some trends and styles keep on changing, so it is necessary to keep a good pace. Laundry companies that keep on bringing changes in their style of working are bound to thrive.
While choosing a service for your laundry, certain aspects are essential. Make sure you look for the following factors:

1) Right Equipment

Having the right equipment is one of the most essential elements to look for. Trusting someone with their belongings can sometimes be a tricky business. You should have full knowledge of the equipment and machinery they use.

They must have a proper cleaning service. Apart from this, ironing, steaming, dry cleaning, folding, etc. should be done using the appropriate equipment. This would keep your clothes in good condition and preserve the quality of them.

The machinery used nowadays is safer and efficient. Your chosen laundry service should use environmental-friendly products for cleaning clothes. So, make sure you investigate this before making a decision.

2) Offer a Variety of Services to its Customers

Everyone has different needs when it comes to finding the best launderette. A laundry service should be able to provide a variety of services.

Launderettes usually offer services that include washing, cleaning, dry cleaning, ironing, folding, etc. a good laundry company should be able to tailor their services to cater to the needs of the customers. This is one of the aspects that reflect professionalism. So, make sure you look for their services and types of services before approaching a company.

3) Outstanding Customer Service

Since you will be entrusting your belongings to them, you need to make sure that they are reliable. The staff should be friendly, cooperative and have a special personal touch to themselves. They should be knowledgeable enough to be able to answer your queries.

It is quite natural for a new customer to ask questions. Staff members should answer every question so that the customer feels satisfied. They should also be clear about the services and prices. To avoid any misunderstanding, the staff should be clear about the return policy or other issues so that it does not become uncomfortable between the two parties.

4) Should Offer Guarantee to its Customers

Offering a guarantee simply means that a company trusts its capabilities. If they provide a warranty, then it is a positive sign.

Do not hesitate to ask them questions about their policy and other sensitive issues if you are a first-time customer. They should be reliable, and for this, you can check their online rating as well. This would help you know more about them and their services.

5) Adhere to Requirements

Since launderettes use chemicals to clean clothes, so they must dispose it of them properly. Before trusting a company, make sure they have the necessary certificates and permits. They should dispose of the items properly to keep the surroundings safe.

Certain chemicals have been banned by the health department. A cleaning company should not use them. Look for the certificates and permits to be sure.

6) Green Practice

Laundry companies are now following green practices to keep the environment safe. This is in response to the harmful chemicals that are not only affecting the surroundings but also the health of the people. Any remnants of such chemicals in the clothes can be detrimental to you.

Choose a company that follows this practice. It is safe and energy-efficient. They should use cleaning products that have been declared safe to use. This way you can trust them with your belongings.

7) Quality Services

If the quality of the service is mediocre, then it not a good idea to invest time and money. If you are trusting a company with your items, they should be able to provide a high-quality result.

To be sure about their quality and services, you can look for online reviews. You can try them with a small batch to see if you like the quality of their work.

These are some of the essential tips that can help you in choosing the right service for laundry. With these tips, you can make a good decision and choose the right one.

Choose A Good Laundry Service for Your Clothes

Evolving and following the current trends to meet the needs of the customers is their priority. Since laundry practices are changing, they make sure that they adopt the good ones to satisfy the needs of their customers. The Durango laundry providers high-quality work so that their customers visit again and again so that they never have to wonder how to choose a good laundry service again.

How To Keep Your Laundry Free From Coronavirus

How To Keep Your Laundry Free From Coronavirus

Are you wondering how to keep your laundry free from coronavirus? As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the UK, senior NHS health officials continue to stress the importance of adhering to preventive measures. These measures include social distancing, hand hygiene, and the disinfection of everyday items like clothes.

Many viruses, including the one that brings about COVID-19, can be spread via contaminated clothes. Although it’s still not yet clear for how long it can thrive on clothing, health experts recommend to take the utmost caution when cleaning clothes and other textiles. Extra care should be taken especially by those living with people who have been tested positive for COVID -19. To ensure you stay safe when cleaning your clothes, sheets and towels, keep in mind the following tips.

Keep laundry that is contaminated separately and remove all personal waste

If you are caring for someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 or who has been exposed to the virus and is now in isolation, consider their clothes contaminated. In such a case, always keep these clothes in a separate bin until it’s time to do the laundry.

Ensure that you also remove all personal waste from each and every clothing item. This can be things such as used tissues, incontinence pads and all other items that appear to be soiled by bodily fluids. It’s also advisable to place a disposable or washable liner in that particular bin, the liner can then be laundered or thrown away after you have removed the dirty clothes and the waste that comes with it.

In addition, always wear protective clothing when handling the dirty laundry of a sick or exposed person. You can put on disposable gloves that can be thrown away after every single use.

Alternatively, you can make use of reusable gloves. However, ensure you wear this kind only when disinfecting and cleaning surfaces or items that have come in contact with the virus. After removing the gloves, always remember to sanitize your hands with soap and running water for no less than 20 seconds.

In case you don’t have gloves, just do the washing with your naked hands, but ensure you sanitize after you are done touching the contaminated items. Additionally, avoid shaking the laundry when you are moving items between the bin and the washing machine as doing so could disperse the coronavirus bacteria through the air.

Wash clothes at high temperatures

Health institutions recommend laundering items at high temperatures as it helps to kill germs including the coronavirus.

The World Health Organisation explains that hot water plus the entire laundry process should eliminate coronavirus from fabrics. This includes the combination of detergent and physical agitation during the rinse and spin stages of the washing cycle.

The recommended heat treatment for contaminated clothes is 60°C or hotter. This is especially with clothes that have been contaminated with body fluids such as vomit, sweat, blood and faeces, as they can transmit the virus more readily. However, other things like workout gear, underwear, towels, and reusable nappies should be given similar treatment.

After washing has been done, it is advisable to use a dryer rather than hanging the laundry to dry. This is because the extreme heat from the dryer helps to inactivate any remaining viral microbes that might still be lurking within the clothes after the washing machine cycle.

Use detergent with bleach

Health organizations also state that bleaching clothes may help in killing the coronavirus. Therefore, if you are washing light and white colours, you could add some bleaching agent to the load.

You could also utilise a detergent containing a colour-safe bleach if it is appropriate for the clothes. However, always follow the instructions on the bottle or box concerning the dilution of the bleach in water. 

Sanitise all surfaces

After you are done with the laundry, clean and sanitise all surfaces that you have come in contact with. This includes the control panel and the door of the washing machine, the doorknob, and the hamper used in holding the contaminated clothes.

Change clothes often

If you are a frontline medical worker in the NHS and you suspect you may have been exposed to the virus, then change your clothes whenever you are able to. At least, do it as soon as you arrive home, and treat everything you are wearing as contaminated clothing. This will minimise your exposure in case your clothes happen to carry the virus.

If you wear a face mask and gloves, then make sure you change them often. Masks can quickly accumulate a large number of viruses as there is moist and warm air constantly circulating through them. Masks made of fabrics should be cleaned in hot water then dried thoroughly before wearing them again. However, disposable face masks should be used only once, so you should dispose of them immediately after use.

Observe social distance in the launderette

If you do not have access to a washing machine or dryer, which can be fairly common in London, then you might need to use your local launderette, which has been classed as an essential business by the government and therefore have remained open during the national lockdown in England.

If you are using a launderette, then always look to observe appropriate levels of social distancing as you are using a communal laundry facility where there can be heightened chances of catching the virus, wear a mask and sanitize after coming into contact with all surfaces.

How can help keep your laundry coronavirus free

They hope this article has helped answer the question on how to keep your laundry free from Coronavirus. Alternatively, you can go for the professional laundry services in Durango services and choose for the covid-safe pick up and delivery laundry service which has been helping 1000s of people during the pandemic with essential laundry and dry cleaning services. Alongside the top quality cleaning, drying and folding of your clothes, they also currently offering:

  • Contactless pick up and delivery 
  • Mandatory wearing of masks for all staff within the cleaning facility
  • If requested, they can clean and dry clothes at higher heats then usual for people who have had the virus to ensure all germs and bacteria are removed. 

How to Remove Colour Stains from Your Clothes Like a Pro

How to Remove Colour Stains from Your Clothes Like a Pro

The best way to keep your clothes stain-free is to prevent them from getting stained. However, there are some stains which are unavoidable like sweat, perfume, make up etc. On other occasions there’s the accidental gravy spill or a load mix-up of white clothes with dark coloured clothes which leaves behind tough stains. Read on to know how to remove colour stains from clothes.  

Why Should You Wash Your Clothes After Every Use?

They suggest you to wash your clothes after each and every use. You may not notice some stains on the first glance like a sweat patch in the underarms. However, if you run a hot press over the garment before wearing it again, the heat will make the stain more prominent and permanent. For other kinds of stains like food stain or colour stains, you will have to act immediately. The stain will penetrate into the fabric if you do not treat it quickly.  

What Causes Colour Run in Wash?

You get colour run in the wash because the dye is loose and not colourfast. The problem intensifies when you are washing your clothes at a high temperature. You can easily avoid amplifying this problem. Always wash your dark and bright coloured clothes at a lower temperature, preferably cold water.  

How to Prevent Dye Transfers? 

A widely common laundry mishap is running of colour from one garment to another. You can easily prevent that from happening if you follow safe laundry practices. Here are some tips to help people avoid such accidents. 

The manufacturers might issue a warning for dark coloured items like your denim jeans. Read the care label to know if your garment needs to be washed separately. Another point to remember is to avoid washing your light and dark coloured clothes together. It increases the risk of dye transfers. 

How to Remove Colour Stain from Clothes?

If you spot a colour stain on your clothes, it is important not to panic. You can remove the stain from your clothes. Follow the steps given here. 

You will need:

  • A tub filled with cold water 
  • Vinegar
  • Colour catcher
  • Bleach

Method 1: For White Silk and Satin Clothes

Step 1: Treat the Stain- Delicate fabrics like silk and satin need gentle handling. Remove the stain by pouring 3-4 drops of mild liquid detergent directly on the stain. Gently rub with your fingers to work it in. Wait for 10-20 minutes

Step 2: Wash the Stain- Wash the stained area with plain water. Check if the stain is gone. Repeat step 1 once again, if needed.

Step 3: Wash the Garment- Once the stain is gone, wash your white garment gently. It’s good to wash your white silk and satin garments with hands. Use a mild detergent to do so. Delicate garments made from silk, wool and cotton require extra care and using a mild detergent can work wonders. They recommend Love and Care, which is available in the market. It is specially formulated for specific fabrics. Always check the care label to understand the right water temperature to be used for wash.

Step 4: Dry the Garment- Once the garment is washed, dry it under partial shade. Store it away properly. Always store lights and darks separately.

Method 2: For Coloured Silk and Satin Clothes

Step 1: Pre-Treat the Stain- Before washing, pre-treat the stain. Dampen the stained portion of the clothing and pour 3-4 drops of liquid detergent on it. Rub it gently with your finger for 1-2 minutes. Wash away with plain water. This step will make the further stain removal process effective.

Step 2: Wash the Garment- Now, separate the affected clothing item from the rest of the load. Run a gentle wash cycle again using an effective laundry detergent. If you prefer to wash your clothes in a washing machine, you can use Surf Excel Matic Liquid, which is specially formulated for washing machines and is easily available in the market. Always check the wash care label on your garment to understand the right washing temperature.  

Step 3: Check if the Stain is Gone- Inspect your clothes carefully to see if the colour stains have disappeared. If not, you may have to use a laundry booster like vinegar or lime juice, as explained in Step 3.

Step 4: Soak in Vinegar- Take a tub full of cold water and add 1 cup of vinegar to it. Soak your clothes in the solution for 20-40 minutes. Now, rewash your clothes using your laundry detergent. 

Step 5: Wash the Garment- Now wash your garment as you usually do. Prefer washing your silks with hands as they need delicate handling. However, if your washing machine has a ‘silk’ setting, you can use that. Remember to check the wash care label to understand correct washing method.

Step 6: Dry the Garment- Once the garment is washed, dry it under partial shade. Store it away properly.

Method 3: For White Cotton, Georgette and Chiffon Clothes

Step 1: Soak in Bleach Solution- Soak your white clothes in the bleach solution for the recommended time. Please read the instructions on the label carefully to get the best results. You can use a bleach (sodium hypochlorite) like Rin Ala. Rin Ala being sodium hypochlorite bleach is recommended to use on white clothes only. Do not use on coloured clothes. Check the pack to understand correct usage instructions.

Step 2: Wash as you usually do- Now, wash your white clothes using your regular wash method. The stains should have disappeared. 

Step 3: Dry the Garment- Once the garment is washed, dry it under natural sunlight. It acts as a natural disinfectant and a bleaching agent for white clothes. Store it away properly.

Method 4: For Coloured Cotton, Georgette and Chiffon Clothes

Step 1: Remove the stain- To remove the stain, pour 3-4 drops of liquid detergent directly on the stain. Rub the stain into the fabric using your fingers. Allow it to settle for 10-15 minutes.

Step 2: Wash the Stain- Now hold the stained part under cold running water to wash away the stain. Repeat step 1, if needed.

Step 3: Soak the Garment- If the stain is stubborn, make a solution of ½ bucket of warm water, 1 cup of white vinegar and 1-2 tsp. of detergent.  Drop your garment in it and allow it to soak for 40-50 minutes.

Step 4: Wash the Garment- Now drop your garment in your washing machine and start the cycle. Remember not to load white and dark coloured clothes together. Check the wash care label on your garment to know right washing method.

Step 5: Dry the Garment- Once the garment is washed, dry it under partial shade. Store it away properly.

Method 5: For White Polyester and Nylon Clothes

A colour catcher is a special piece of cloth which is designed to absorb the bleeding colours during a wash cycle. They are easily available at your supermarket or online stores. You can think of it as a small investment that’ll save you a lot of laundry troubles in the future.  

Step 1: Add Colour Catcher- Place the colour catcher in your washing machine as per the instructions on the packaging. 

Step 2: Add Laundry Detergent- Put the rest of your laundry load in the washing machine and set the wash cycle like you normally do. Use effective laundry detergent. They recommend Surf Excel Matic Liquid. It is specially formulated for washing machines. Check the instructions on the pack to know how to use it the right way. 

Step 3: Dry the Garment- Once the garment is washed, dry it under partial shade. Store it away properly.

Are you ready to save time, stress less, and complete all your laundry in a matter of minutes? If yes then visit the professionals who offer the service of Laundry in Durango. You can also ask for the services they offer and about how they can help.

How to Get Rid of Turmeric Stains from Your White Cotton Workwear

How to Get Rid of Turmeric Stains from Your White Cotton Workwear

A white garment is a must-have in your wardrobe. You can pair it with jeans as well as trousers. However, white clothes are prone to stains. So, you must know some basic laundry tricks to remove stains from your them.

After all, a good quality cotton garment can be expensive and you cannot toss it away if your garment has a small stain.

To bid goodbye to turmeric stains on your white garment, follow the steps given below.

Step 1: Treat with Laundry Detergent

Mix 2 tbsp. of vinegar with 1 tsp. of laundry detergent in a bucket of warm water. Twirl the water with your hands to form a soapy solution in the bucket. Soak your stained garment in this solution for about 30 minutes. If you prefer to hand wash your clothes, you can use a detergent powder such as Surf Excel Easy Wash. It is easily available in the market.

Step 2: Treat with Bleach

Take another bucket and fill half of it with warm water. Add a small quantity of soap flakes to it by grating a bar of soap. Next, add cold water to the bucket once the soap flakes have dissolved. Transfer the garment from the first bucket to this one and let it sit for 15 minutes.

To enhance the effectiveness of the solution, add 2 drops of bleach. You can use a bleach (sodium hypochlorite) like Rin Ala for sheets and clothes. Rin Ala being sodium hypochlorite bleach is recommended to use on white clothes only. Do not use on coloured clothes. Do remember to protect your hands by wearing gloves whenever you handle bleach.

Step 3: Wash Your Garment

Rinse your garment with cold water until all the residue detergent and bleach are gone. Wring gently. Do not twist your garment vigorously. Blot your garment using a clean towel to get rid of excess moisture. Dry your white garment in a shaded place away from direct sunlight.

Now if you are thinking to remove stains from clothes professionally, than it is best to reach out to the Durango laundry service providers.

How to Clean Rust Stains From Your Clothes Effectively

How to Clean Rust Stains From Your Clothes Effectively

Wondering how to remove rust stains from clothes completely? It would be disheartening to throw away your favourite dress or shirt just because it has caught a rust stain. It may take some extra time and effort, but it is possible to remove rust stains from your clothing.

As soon as you spot a rust stain on your clothes, you must treat it with an effective stain remover. Before using any stain remover, test it on an inconspicuous area first to make sure that the fabric does not get damaged or discoloured. 

It is important to get to the source of the problem. Rust stains on your clothes usually come from rusted metal furniture, cars or bikes. However, on some occasions, it can also be because of iron bacteria or rusted water pipes and water storage containers. You must track the source of the stains so that you can prevent your clothes from such stains in the future. Fix the water pipes or containers if they are the cause of the rust stains on your clothes. 

How to Remove Rust Stains from Clothes?

Firstly, read the wash care label instructions on your clothing item before you do anything. Delicate garments made from silk or wool with stubborn rust stains may have to be given away for professional cleaning. Scrubbing or vigorous twisting can damage the fabric forever. However, you can treat the rust stains on your regular clothes at home. 

It is important to treat rust stains on your clothes as soon as you spot them. If left untreated, the stain can spread further and might get deeper into the fabric, making the stain removal process difficult. As soon as you notice the stain, dampen it. It will help prevent the stain from taking hold on the fabric. Here’s how to get your clothes looking fresh and clean. 

Ingredients to Keep Handy: 

a) Lemon Juice

b) Salt

c) Vinegar

d) Laundry Detergent 

Method 1: How to Remove Rust Stains from Washable Fabric

Washable fabric is a fabric type which you can wash at home like you normally do. These fabrics include clothes, linen and so on.

Step 1: Treat the Stain

Mix 2 tsp. of lemon juice and 1 tsp. of salt to form a paste. Cover the stained area of the fabric with the paste and leave it for 30 minutes. The paste will lift the stain off the fabric. Lemon juice is acidic in nature, so should not be left for long. 

Step 2: Rinse the Stain

Rinse off the lemon and salt paste with a solution of 1 cup water mixed with 3-4 tsp. of undiluted vinegar, which will help dissolve the rust stain even further. Vinegar might have an unpleasant smell, but a good wash will make your clothes smell daisy fresh again.

Step 3: Wash With Detergent

Finally, it is time to properly wash the clothes with an effective laundry detergent. If you prefer washing your clothes in a washing machine, you can use Surf Excel Matic Liquid, which is specially formulated for washing machines. Simply pour the detergent into your washing machine and wash your clothes in warm water.

If you prefer hand-washing your garments, you can use a detergent powder such as Surf Excel Easy Wash. It is easily available in the market.  Check the pack to understand correct usage instructions. After the wash is done, make sure that the stain is completely removed before drying. If necessary, repeat steps 1-3 from this guide.

Removing rust stains from your clothes does not get easier than this. Note that if it is simply ‘rust dust’ that has settled on your clothing on accidental brushing up against a rusty surface, you can wash your clothing like you normally do. A regular wash will help you get rid of the rust stains effectively. 

Method 2: How to Remove Rust Stains from Non-Washable Fabric

Non-washable fabric is a type of fabric which can not be washed at home using your regular wash methods. These include leather, dry-clean only fabrics, sofa fabric, the fabric covering of a swing and so on.

Step 1: Treat the Stain

To treat the rust stain from a non-washable fabric, mix 3-4 tsp. of salt and 3-4 tsp. of lemon juice or white vinegar to form a thick paste.

Step 2: Apply It

Wear rubber gloves or use a soft-bristled brush to apply it on the stain. Always test the mixture on a small inconspicuous area first to check the compatibility. Now leave it in the natural sunlight for 50-60 minutes.

Step 3: Dampen It

Take 2-3 tsp. of lemon juice and pour over it to dampen the stain.

Step 4: Brush It Off

Use a soft-bristled brush to clear the residue. Repeat step 3 once again if needed.

If the rust stain is still not lifting up, take it to a professional dry cleaners who offers laundry services in Durango.

How to Wash Mango Stains from your Clothes

How to Wash Mango Stains from your Clothes

There is no denying how delicious mangoes are but they sure do make a mess when the juice drips onto your clothes. Sugary fruit stains like mango stains can be tricky to treat, as the sugars can set into the fabric, becoming stubborn with time if left untreated. However, do not worry, they will tell you how to remove mango stains from clothes at home.

Before starting to clean, remember to check the wash care label on the garment to see if it can be washed at home. If it says ‘dry clean only’, it is best to take it to a dry-cleaning service.

This step-by-step guide on how to remove mango stain marks will show you exactly what you need to do to restore your garment.

Ingredients to Keep Handy:

a) Spoon

b) Paper towel

c) Liquid laundry detergent

d) Dishwashing liquid

e) Fabric conditioner

Step 1: Scrape Off and Blot Excess Residue

Use the edge of a spoon to remove the pulp, gently scraping rather than wiping or rubbing. Rubbing will deposit the stain further into the fabric. You can then use a paper towel to carefully blot the stain and absorb as much of the juice as possible.

Step 2: Spot Treat the Stain

Make a cleaning solution by mixing 2 tsp. of liquid detergent, 1 tsp. of white vinegar and 1 tsp. of water. Apply the solution directly on the stained area. Allow it to work for 20-30 minutes.

Step 3: Wash the Stain

Hold the stained area under a tap on full flow. This will help to push the mango stains out of the fabric.

Step 4: Soak the Garment

Fill a bucket or large container with cold water, add 1 tbsp. of liquid detergent in it, and soak the clothing for up to an hour. Soaking helps loosen the remaining traces of the stain effectively.

Step 5: Wash the fabric in your machine

Finally, follow the instructions on the care label of the garment and wash as usual in your machine using a liquid laundry detergent. To wash your clothes in a washing machine, you can use Surf Excel Matic Liquid, as it helps remove tough stains and is specially formulated for washing machines.

You can also use a fabric conditioner to keep your clothes feeling fresh and soft. You can try a fabric conditioner such as Comfort Core. It is easily available in the market. It keeps the fibres intact, thus making the fabric soft and smooth. It also adds a mild fragrance to the fabric.

Whether you are wondering how to remove mango juice stains or how to remove old mango stains from clothes, this guide is your solution. Try this cleaning method and say bye-bye to stubborn mango stains!

Now if you are thinking to remove stains from clothes professionally, opt for the companies that offer laundry services in Durango.

How to Remove Stains from Coloured Clothes

How to Remove Stains from Coloured Clothes

Staining a favourite blue shirt or that classic red dress that makes you stand out in parties can send you into panic mode. Read on to know how to remove stains from coloured clothes and keep them looking as good as new.

We have all been there, an accidental splash of tea on a summery yellow dress, a slip in the garden while wearing beige coloured pants or a splattering of ink by a pen in the pocket of  a blue formal shirt. The outcome is often an ugly stain appearing on a favourite piece of clothing. At times, we have even had to deal with instances where colour has transferred from one garment to another during wash. In an attempt to get rid of these stains, we have spent a huge amount of time scrubbing them, only to be disappointed with the results.

We also noticed that they needed gentler stain removal techniques for coloured clothes as over scrubbing and incorrect home remedies could lead to the colour of the garment fading at the stained spot.  Over time, we have been able to identify some easy-to-follow steps to remove stains from coloured clothes. Try these now!

There are three golden rules we must follow when it comes to stains:-

  • First, the earlier you start treating a stain, the easier it becomes to get rid of it.
  • Second, remove any excess amount of the stain on the garment by blotting (never rubbing) the area with clean water and an absorbent towel/paper towel.
  • Last, never put a garment in the dryer until the stain is completely removed. This is because we’ve experienced that the heat of the dryer causes the stain to set and makes it permanent.

You will need:

  • Old Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Baking Soda
  • Liquid Detergent
  • Colour Safe Bleach

How to Get Rid of Grass Stains

With kids at home, grass stains on clothes are inevitable. A simple cricket match in the ground can lead to a pile of clothes with those unsightly grass stains. However, with these simple steps, getting rid of them is a breeze.

  • Use a Regular Toothpaste- We have seen that grass stains can be easily removed with just two simple things an old toothbrush and some plain white toothpaste. Make sure you always use the paste variety and not the gel variety of toothpaste. Before you begin, always do a patch test on an inconspicuous part of the garment to avoid any damage. Then squeeze out a small amount of the paste onto the stain.
  • Scrub Gently in Circular Motion- Now dip the old toothbrush in some clean water and scrub away the stain. Use gentle circular motions without applying too much pressure.
  • Repeat the Process- In case the stain remains, repeat the process and also treat the remaining stains if any.
  • Rinse Thoroughly with Cold Water- Rinse the stained area well with cold water so that there is no trace of toothpaste on the garment.
  • Wash the Garment- Once the stain is removed, wash the treated clothes with a detergent like Surf Excel Matic Liquid as usual. We find this product ideal for our coloured clothes as it removes even tough stains while retaining the original colour of the fabric. Even after multiple washes with the product, the colour of our clothes did not fade and they looked as good as new!

How to Get Rid of Blood Stains

A bruised knee, a bloody gash on the hand made by a knife in the kitchen- such accidents often result in your clothes getting blood-stained and these stains can prove to be quite difficult to get rid of.

  • Make a Paste with Baking Soda- Make a paste of water and baking soda. The quantities would depend on how large the stain is.
  • Allow Some Resting Period- They have seen that the paste should be allowed to sit for at least 30 minutes to get rid of the stain effectively. If time permits, you can leave the paste on overnight too.
  • Wash the Garment- Wash the garment as usual with a good liquid detergent like Surf Excel Matic Liquid. We saw that being a liquid detergent, it dissolved quickly and did not leave any residue on the clothes or machine.

How to Get Rid Of Dye Stains

We all have dealt with the accidental transfer of colour/dye from one piece of clothing to another during washing. However, you can easily remove dye stains with some simple steps.

  • Separate the Clothing- It is best to separate the culprit garment from the other clothes. This will prevent any additional dye from transferring to the remaining clothes.
  • Read the Clothing Labels Carefully– Before you attempt to remove the dye stain, we recommend you carefully read the clothing labels. The labels clearly mention whether it’s safe to use products like bleach and also what temperatures are ideal for washing the garment.
  • Try Rewashing with Liquid Detergent- They have seen that most of the dye stains can be removed easily by just rewashing the clothes with a liquid detergent like Surf Excel Matic Liquid. As stained clothes need to be washed in cold water, we find this product to be ideal as it works well in cold water.
  • Soak in Colour Safe Bleach- If rewashing does not help remove the dye stain, then you can soak the clothing in colour safe bleach. Always do a patch test before using bleach. Follow the instructions on the product label and then wash as usual.

How to Get Rid of Tea Stains

  • Rinse With Cold Water- Their experience has taught us that the moment they spot a tea stain, it’s best to rinse it in water. Always make sure you use cold water to rinse the stain as hot water would only set the stain on the garment. Water should run from the back of the stain and not from the top of it. This helps the stain come out of the side it came in from, rather than pushing it through the material.
  • Grab Some Liquid Detergent- Apply a liquid detergent like Surf Excel Matic Liquid on the stain and rub it all over. We saw that this product was great to remove tough stains from clothes. All we had to do was pour some of this product onto the stain, then use the stain scrubber cap that comes along with it to rub it off and finally pour the remaining liquid in the machine. This simple 3-step process helps in eliminating stains completely.
  • Allow it to Rest- Let the detergent rest for about 5 minutes. If the tea stain has dried up, then the detergent must be allowed to sit for at least 30 minutes on the stain.
  • Rinse Well- Rinse the stain well with cold water until no residue of the detergent is left.

If you don’t have the time or patience to clean a worrying stain out of your clothing, let the professionals who follows Green earth cleaning in Durango help you. Drop your laundry for effective cleaning.

How Dry Cleaning Works

How Dry Cleaning Works

Is laundry the bane of your existence? Do you wear suits to work? Is your closet loaded with “dry clean only” garments? If so, it’s likely you’ve found your way to your neighborhood dry cleaners; dropped off heaps of dirty clothes; returned a few days later; and retrieved perfectly cleaned, fresh and bagged clothing.

But, have you ever stopped to wonder just how dry cleaning works? Different cleaners will vary their processes slightly—a green dry cleaner, for example, will use different solvents than a traditional dry cleaner—but the basic steps remain the same.

The first step most dry cleaners take is tagging. Clothes are inspected for damage, stains or specific laundering instructions. They’re then tagged and identified in order to maintain organization and the condition of the clothing.

  • Most all dry cleaners apply a pre-treatment cleaner to the garment. If there are severe stains, it’s this process that will target and eliminate them.
  • Typically, the actual “dry cleaning” takes place next. Your clothes are put into a machine that serves as a combination of the common, water-utilizing machine (although no water is used, only special cleaning solvents) and a traditional dryer.
  • Once the clothing has gone through the cycle, it will then be re-examined for remaining stains. If they’re lingering, your dry cleaning specialist will work to remove them.
  • We all appreciate clean clothes, especially if we’re not required to wash and fold them ourselves. That’s why this step in the process is probably the most favoured—the final touches. Pressing, starching, folding, bagging, hanging…you can pick up your clothes in pristine condition.

Some of choose dry cleaning for convenience, but others have a wardrobe requiring the non-water washing process. If your clothes have damages, special needs or bad stains, be sure to mention this to your dry cleaner to ensure they’re able to achieve the best results possible.

So if you want a professional dry cleaning service you can visit the green earth cleaner in Durango.

Advantages of Dry Cleaning

Advantages of Dry Cleaning

Are you someone who considers professional dry cleaning a necessity, as opposed to a luxury? If so, you already know, understand and appreciate the advantages of dry cleaning—advantageous that laundering your clothes at home doesn’t offer. Now, not every garment or piece of fabric has to be taken to professional dry cleaners, but for many items, it’s more sensible. To understand why, let’s take a look at a few of the advantages of dry cleaning.

Dry cleaning your garments is less abrasive 

If than traditional washing and drying at home. There is no water used in professional dry cleaning, so your clothing, especially delicate items, experiences less wear and tear during the process.

The finishing touches are taken care of for you. 

When you wash and dry at home, you then have to fold, iron and possibly load items into garment bags. One of the best things about having your clothes laundered by a professional is you can choose to have these tasks completed before you pick up your items.


For this reason, as well as others, convenience is probably at the top of the list of advantages of dry cleaning. Being able to drop off your soiled items and pick them up starched, cleaned, folded, ironed and in preserving bags is without a doubt more convenient and time saving than doing your own laundry.

Remove tough stains and odours

In addition, expert dry cleaners can remove tough stains and odours far more successfully than you can on your own. Before you toss that stained shirt or bedding that the dog wallowed on, take them your dry cleaners.

Clean more than just your clothing

Lastly, dry cleaners can clean more than just your clothing. If you’ve ever tried to tackle washing your own area rugs, drapes, oversized comforter, slip covers or other large items, you know how frustrating and unsuccessful the project is.

If you’ve considered professional dry cleaning a luxury or had the thought—“Why pay someone to do what they can do on my own, at home?”—remember the advantages of dry cleaning. So if you want to know more about dry cleaning, you can connect with the experts providing green earth cleaning in Durango.

Preparing Clothes for Dry Cleaning

Preparing Clothes for Dry Cleaning

When purchasing clothing or sorting laundry, it’s important to inspect each tag or label for proper care instructions. Even on items that can be laundered at home, certain stains require the skill and solvents of a professional dry cleaner to remove.

Taking your clothes to a professional, such as Green earth cleaner in Durango, involves more than simply dropping a crumpled load of garments on the counter. To ensure that your clothing is property laundered, and out of courtesy and convenience, you should take certain steps to prepare clothes for dry cleaning.

1. Empty your pockets. Remove change, trash and especially items that can cause damage to your clothing when dry cleaned, such as chewing gum, lip gloss or other types of makeup or candy.

2. Review the care labels. If any have special instructions, bring them to your dry cleaner’s attention.

3. If you have stained or soiled items, mark the area of concern using masking tape or a safety pin. This will help you easily point out the problem to your dry cleaner.

4. Do you know where the stain originated? If you know the stain came from spilled coffee, let your dry cleaner know. He or she will be able to remove it more effectively.

5. If you have other concerns – such as missing buttons, loose threads or mending needs – make them known upfront.

6. Call to ask when the dry cleaner’s slowest periods of the day are if you’re planning on taking a large load and spending time explaining your dry cleaning needs.

Remember, your dry cleaner is handling a large volume of items, so be courteous when preparing clothes for dry cleaning. Give as much information as you can; remove all debris from your pockets; and if you have specific requests, issue them in the beginning.