How to choose right dry cleaning company

How to choose right dry cleaning company
How to choose right dry cleaning company

Shopping around for a new dry cleaning company? When it comes to your valuable garments and delicate home furnishings, you don’t want to make the choice blindly. Here are 5 great tips to make your search easier and more productive:

1) Look for Someone Local

Just like in the restaurant world, there are chain dry cleaning operations. These are good for brand recognition, but oftentimes not for much else. Chain cleaners are operated by executives who are more interested in profit margins than in your community, and they can rarely deliver the same quality of service as a local business.

Look for a dry cleaner with years of experience in catering to your community, and one who has established a reputation for quality and a passion for their work. In my opinion go for Durango laundry services for the best result.

2) Check with the Better Business Bureau (BBB)

On the official website of the BBB, you can look up info on any cleaner that you may be considering, or just browse by region. Each business here receives an overall grade (A+ through F), based on things like quality of service and fairness of advertising practices. You can also see what, if anything, customers have been complaining about.

3) Seek Out Reviews

When a dry cleaner provides great customer service time and time again, word about it tends to get out. Online review sites certainly aren’t perfect, but more often than not they are a great place to start finding some feedback from previous customers. Personal recommendations are great as well – ask your friends and family who they have had a great experience with in the past!

4) Consider Their Specializations

There are a lot of dry cleaners out there, but not all have the same background experience and knowledge. Many will advertise that they specialize in one or more services, like wedding dress restoration or leather care, and that’s usually a good sign that they can handle any special requirements you may have. The last thing you want is to have your favorite gown “cleaned” by someone who doesn’t know the difference between taffeta and satin!

If you’re considering a cleaner that doesn’t explicitly specialize in what you need, that’s not necessarily a problem, but do ask about their relevant experience before handing over your garment.

5) Get a Test-Cleaning

Before handing over your pricier suits or gowns, you can see how the cleaner performs on something a little less valuable (or sentimental). Tablecloths, winter coats, and the like are often great candidates. After all, there is room for error in dry cleaning, and there are some garments that you just can’t risk.

Some signs that show your dry cleaner cares

Some signs that show your dry cleaner cares
Some signs that show your dry cleaner cares

1) Friendly Personal Service

Do your local dry cleaners greet you warmly when you enter the shop? Do they take the time to listen to all of your questions and concerns? Dry cleaning professionals know the value of lasting personal relationships with their customers, because they have faith that the quality of their services will bring in repeat business. If your cleaners don’t seem to take an interest in building a rapport with you, it’s not a good sign.

2) Damage Compensation Policy

Although rare, sometimes clothing and textiles can be damaged during the cleaning cycle. Accidents are inevitable in any industry that handles a huge volume of items. What’s important is that your dry cleaners offer a fair and generous compensation policy to protect you in the unlikely event of harm to your garments.

As said before, if the cleaners aren’t attempting to keep you as a happy and long-term customer, it shows little confidence in their abilities.

3) On-Site Cleaning

What many people don’t realize is that some dry-cleaning services will actually transport your garments to be cleaned at an off-site location, using outsourced labor. This can considerably add to the time that it takes to get your clothing back to you. If you’re at all unsure as to whether your local dry cleaners actually do the cleaning themselves, be sure to ask – and if they don’t, you may wish to find an alternative.

4) Additional Services

Gentle, effective washing is the bread and butter of nearly all dry cleaning providers. But as garment professionals, the companies offering laundry services in Durango will also keep your clothes in top condition by offering additional amenities – such as garment repair, alterations, and wash-and-fold service. This can save you time and money, by letting you get multiple errands done at once and prolonging the lifespan of your valuable items.

5) Flexible Business Hours

Sometimes, finding the time to drop off or pick up your dry cleaning can be tough. After all, most people are at work during the same hours, more or less, that their dry cleaners are open. Sometimes you can make a mad dash during your lunch hour, but that’s hardly the most fun solution.

The best dry cleaners are those who offer flexible and convenient hours. If you work a “traditional” schedule, look for a place that will let you drop off or pick up clothing early in the morning, or after 6pm. Some places will even provide off-hours delivery and/or pickup services.

Wash and take care of silk sheets

Wash and take care of silk sheets
Wash and take care of silk sheets

Have you made the switch to silk bedding recently? Other than adding a feeling of luxury to your sleep routine, silk sheets are loved by many for their various health benefits. Silk reduces allergies, keeps you cool and dry all night long, improves your complexion and hair, and soothes sore skin. It’s no wonder why this ultra-smooth fabric is so popular for hitting the hay.

But how do you care for your delicate sheets so that they last for many slumbers to come? We have a handy step-by-step guide for cleaning your silk sheets the easy yet gentle way.

When it comes to bedding, rule of thumb is to throw sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, and frequently used blankets through the washer machine every two weeks to remove bacteria build-up, dead skin cells, and dust mites. The same rule applies to silk sheets.

It is recommended to hand-wash silk sheets before your first use. Hand wash the silk sheets as normal and hang to dry, avoiding direct sunlight.

Two weeks after first use, you can then put your silk sheets into the washer machine. Only put the bedding in with other silk items as to not irritate the silk with rougher fabrics and make sure to turn the pillowcases inside out. Consider using a mesh washing bag for the pillowcases so that they don’t get caught or torn in the machine.

Run the washer machine on a delicate cycle with a cold water temperature.

To dry your silk sheets, you can hang them to dry inside or outside, but make sure you avoid direct sunlight. If you want to put your silk sheets in the dryer, make sure you don’t add any heat and don’t use dryer balls or sheets. Silk repels moisture so your sheets will dry very quickly on the air setting for 15 minutes.

If you are not confident enough to wash silk sheets then dont take the risk of washing them on your own. Instead opt for Durango laundry services so that the sheets dont get spoiled. And that’s it! Taking care of your silk sheets is easy and worth it so that the benefits never stop.

Grass Stain Removal from clothes

Grass Stain Removal from clothes
Grass Stain Removal from clothes

Whether you’re a parent or just somebody who enjoys the great outdoors, you should really know how to remove grass stains from clothes. Many people believe that it’s just kids and sports stars that end up covered head to toe in mucky grass stains, but even the most careful of us can have an embarrassing slip on some wet grass, leaving a greenish-brown tell-tale mark.

No matter what method of grass stain removal you use, it is always best to test the cleaning product or method on a small, inconspicuous area of the garment, such as the inside of the sleeve or leg, and always follow the advice on the label. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Whatever method of grass stain removal you choose to use, you’ll need to start with soaking the clothing in cold water – never hot water. Many of us think hot water is better at getting dirty marks out, and while this is true for stains that are oily or greasy, it works in the opposite way for others. Hot water can set the stain into the fabric, so using cold water is the preference here. What soaking does is simply soften the stain, so that it’s more vulnerable to the effects of the cleaning solutions. Here’s what you can use to see great results:

Detergent or Stain Remover

Sometimes, all you need is laundry detergent – no other products required! Using a biological detergent can help treat stains, including grass stains. Simply rub the stain with a small amount of detergent – this pre-treatment will help to loosen the stain. Then, wash your garment as normal. Easy!

Rubbing Alcohol

Alcohol is a solvent, which helps to lift off the green pigmentation left by the grass. To use, apply a small amount to a clean sponge and dab it across the stain (remember to read the care label and test on a small area first). Don’t wipe or scrub – you’ll spread the dirty mark across more of your clothing or even make it more difficult to remove.Rinse in cold water, and then apply a small amount of liquid detergent (or powdered detergent made into a paste with a little water), massaging it into the clothing, helping it to get deeper into the fabric. Leave to sit for 5 minutes before washing in the machine as normal.


Most hairsprays contain alcohol, so these hair products can have a similar effect to rubbing alcohol. It’s a little more work to use hairspray, and the results aren’t quite as good, so it’s best to use this method for mild discolouring. Apply the hairspray to the stain and allow to dry. Use a stiff bristled brush, such as an old, clean toothbrush, and scrub at the stain. Apply detergent and wash as explained above.

Sometimes the stains become so stubborn and as a result it becomes difficult to remove them. In this case reach out to the professional cleaners providing laundry services in Durango.

How often should you dry clean a suit?

How often should you dry clean a suit
How often should you dry clean a suit

If you have a prized suit that you love to wear for big meetings or even just for special occasions, you know how hard it is to take care of it. A really good suit will need to be dry cleaned but knowing when it needs to be cleaned and how often are things that many people simply do not know.

Well as a person who has ruined more than their fair share of suits, I have looked into this and as a result, I have some pro tips for you to make sure that your favorite suit is able to be worn for as long as possible.

We have all heard the term “dry cleaning” if you are reading this I am guessing chances are you have even had some clothes dry cleaned, but not many people actually know what dry cleaning is.

Basically, dry cleaning is the process of cleaning fabric with a substance called Perchloroethylene, more commonly referred to as Perc. Interestingly, Perc is still a liquid, even though it is called dry cleaning!

Dry cleaning will, of course, freshen up and make your suit look great, but it has been proven that Perc over time can be harmful to suits. This is because it natural oils that are in your suits fibers are stripped away by the perc.

Using your eyes and nose is the best way to know if your suit needs a clean. When giving it a quick wipe or brush down no longer gets rid of a stain or if it starts to “smell” a little bit, you know it is time to take it in for a dry clean.

It is very important to find a high quality dry cleaner company. A proper dry cleaning will thoroughly remove stains that have accumulated over time, even ones that occurred long ago. Your suit should fit the same way that it did before it was cleaned. It should not appear to be overly shiny or glossy. The suit also should not have indents. If you see any of these signs, it is time to find a different dry cleaner.

The dry cleaners will have your suit fully cleaned and ready for you within the promised timeframe. You can count on Durango laundry services to always get the job done correctly. 

Shrinkage while dry cleaning

Shrinkage while dry cleaning
Shrinkage while dry cleaning

When you want to care for the best garments in your closest, you will likely turn to a company that provides the best laundry services in Durango. Dry cleaning is considered to be one of the safest and most reliable ways to care for fancy and delicate garments.

However, there is one question that many people need answered before they turn over their nicest clothes – will dry cleaning shrink my clothes? There are plenty of rumors and horror stories floating around about clothes that have returned from the dry cleaner at a fraction of their original size, so what is the truth?

Shrinkage is Very Rare

There is very little chance that dry cleaning will shrink your clothes. Shrinkage is caused by water, and as you would guess from the name, dry cleaning does not use water to clean your clothes. Without water present in the process, your clothes are going to come out the same size time after time. As long as you take your garments to an experienced and reputable dry cleaner, you can put your worries aside and know that the dry cleaning process is not going to shrink your clothes.

With that said, mistakes can be made in any business, and it is possible that some people have experienced a situation where their clothes returned from the dry cleaner smaller than when they were dropped off. Most likely, this has to do with the heat that is used in the dry cleaning process. I

f your clothes happen to be wet when they enter the heating phase of the dry cleaning process, the heat could cause the fibers to pull together, and your garment will shrink slightly. Dry cleaning is not supposed to take place with wet clothes, but even slightly damp garments could be susceptible to minor shrinking. This is why is important to pick your dry cleaner carefully. A good dry cleaning business will take all of the necessary precautions to avoid this frustrating outcome.

Eco-Friendly Helps

Working with an eco-friendly dry cleaner is another good way to limit the possibility that your clothes will shrink. The process used in eco-friendly dry cleaning is even less likely to shrink garments, so you can be confident that everything you drop off will be returned to you at the same size.

Not only will you be reducing the likelihood of your clothes shrinking when you use an eco-friendly company, you will also be doing a good thing for the environment. The old, traditional methods of dry cleaning use harmful chemicals that can make their way out into the world – which is not a good thing for the earth.

So – will dry cleaning shrink my clothes? Almost certainly not. There is always the off-chance that a mistake is made during the dry cleaning process, but that outcome is very unlikely. Working with an experienced dry cleaner will put your garments in good hands, and finding an eco-friendly one is even better.

Spot stain removal

Spot stain removal
Spot stain removal

Stains on clothing and linen can feel all but inevitable. Fortunately, quick action can save time, money, effort, and grief. Spot stain removal can be quite effective, provided you stick to certain basics. These rules apply to every type of spill or mark, and will help you deal with blemishes more effectively.

Act Fast

The sooner you treat the source of damage, the better. Most materials will take a bit of time to fully integrate with the fabric – once the stain has set, it will likely leave a permanent mark.

Recognize the Surface and Staining Agent

This is perhaps the most important step to take – the wrong cleaning agent for your particular material will not only fail to remove the stain, but may also damage the fabric further (cleaners that “eat” away at proteins like blood or grass, for instance, will dissolve material like silk and wool, which are proteins themselves). First, identify the type of fabric on which the mark has occurred, and then consult the label of your cleaner to see what it’s compatible with. It’s best to do this sort of research before disaster strikes, as every second counts!

Manually Remove the Cause

Before treating the fabric with a stain remover, you’ll want to first manually remove as much of the offending material as possible. If it’s something solid, brush or gently scrape it away; liquids can be blotted with an absorbent cloth or tissue. Be careful of applying too much pressure here, as that can cause the stain to spread further or become more deeply integrated.

Be Gentle

Using excessive force like wringing, grinding, squeezing, or folding will only make the blemish penetrate deeper into the fabric. If the stain isn’t coming off quickly, stay patient – vigorous rubbing can make things worse. The right cleaner should remove spots with a gentle and consistent motion (pro tip: start from the center and move outwards); if it doesn’t, you may need to try another agent.

Test it in Advance

Unless you are absolutely certain about the fabric and type of cleaning agent you are using, you should always carry out a sample test. Try the cleaner out on an inconspicuous part of the garment or linen, such as a hem or seam, and see if it causes any apparent damage to the material or smears the stain further.

For more information on stain removal, or professional laundering assistance, consult with the professionals that provide laundry services in Durango.

Take care of your wedding dress

Take care of your wedding dress
Take care of your wedding dress

Your wedding day was the best day of your life and will leave you with precious memories for years to come. However, your precious wedding dress also lived your best day right there with you, but may not be quite so keen to retain the memories of your big day.

We are talking about those grass stains, red wine stains, sauce, gravy or grease splashes, spilt cocktails, perfume, mascara and make-up residue from the endless tear-stained hugs from family and friends, and even damage done to the hem of your dress by your high-heels while bopping the night away on the dance floor.

A lot of new brides would like to keep their wedding dress clean and well preserved for the future, and the best way to do this is to have it professionally dry cleaned by green earth cleaners in Durango.

Buttons, pearls, lace and bows

You may have chosen beautiful pearl buttons, fine lace layers, and jewel embellishments that can be fragile and prone to chipping, cracking or breaking off completely.

Some less careful dry cleaners often don’t protect these delicate touches that make your wedding dress so special and beautiful.

The professionals take care to remove any fragile buttons and embellishments before cleaning and replace them afterwards. However, they will take great care to fully assess your wedding dress before agreeing to dry clean it and will tell you if  there will be any problems with the process.

Special treatment for wedding dresses

Wedding dresses are usually top-quality garments that use natural fabrics and natural materials for buttons, such as bone or shell. These natural materials can be brittle and can easily chip or crack, even while the dress is being worn.

Wedding dress dry cleaning is a very gentle yet effective way to lift out difficult stains like champagne, red wine and other food or drink stains. They don’t use harmful chemicals in our dry cleaning processes so your dress fabric will be preserved in fantastic condition.

After being carefully dry cleaned, your wedding dress will be hand-pressed by skilled pressers and your dress will be returned to you in a protective garment bag or wedding dress box.

Remove iron stains from clothes

Remove iron stains from clothes
Remove iron stains from clothes

Ironing stains are easily done and yet increasingly difficult to get rid of. Some ironing stains are unsalvagable and can only be aesthetically lighter rather than removed. These six methods will either help to lighten, or completely remove, ironing stains. 

  • Method 1- Bleach the stain 
  • Method 2- Soak in hydrogen peroxide
  • Method 3- Squeeze lemon juice over the stain 
  • Method 4- Soak in ice water 
  • Method 5- Rub with white vinegar 
  • Method 6- Use an emery pad

Method 1- Bleach the stain 

Before starting this method make sure that you check the stained items care label. Some clothing will come with a warning to not use bleach, in which case this method should not be used. Once you have checked the care label, soak your item in diluted bleach. After 15 minutes, remove the item and wash it as you usually would. To get the most effective result, dry in direct sunlight. The sun’s natural lightening abilities will help lighten the stain so at the very least the mark will be less visible.

Method 2- Soak in hydrogen peroxide 

Begin by laying the garment on a flat surface. Soak an old cloth or piece of fabric in hydrogen peroxide and place it on the iron stain. Next, put a clean, dry, cloth or piece of fabric on top of the hydrogen peroxide soaked material whilst you let your iron heat to a high temperature. Once your iron is hot, gently rub it over the top piece of fabric. The heat will gently permeate through to the hydrogen peroxide and help work it into the stain. As you iron make sure that you check the progress of the stain. If you notice that your bottom cloth is getting dry, apply more hydrogen peroxide to it. Likewise, if your top cloth is becoming damp with hydrogen peroxide switch it for a new, dry, cloth as this will prevent rust stains transferring from the iron. This process can take a while, so patience is key.

Method 3- squeeze lemon juice over the stain 

Squeeze the juice of one lemon over the stain until it’s completely soaked. Place your item of clothing in a container of hot water and let it sit for 15-30 minutes depending on how severe the stain is. Remove the clothing item and dry as normal. 

Method 4- Soak in ice water 

If your stain is mild soaking it in ice water for an hour could remove it. For this method, you need to ensure that your water is ice cold. To guarantee this either add ice cubes to cold water or leave your item in some water in the freezer. If you do leave your clothes in the freezer, make sure you only leave them in there for a maximum of 1 hour. Completely freezing your clothes won’t cause any additional damage, but can slow down the stain removing process. 

Method 5- Rub with white vinegar

If you decide on this method it’s important that you use white vinegar only- using any other type of vinegar could stain your clothing further. Soak a rag or sponge in white vinegar and rub it over the stain. Once the stain is completely soaked, leave the item to sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing with cool water. Leave your clothing to dry as normal. 

Method 6- Use an emery pad  

A heavy scorch mark can not be removed, however the damage can be made less visible. Using an emery pad, or any rough material, gently rub the burn mark, removing any dark singed material. Be gentle with your rubbing movements, being too aggressive can cause further holes and damage to the material. If your clothing has been stained beyond repair and you are considering throwing out the item, try and reuse it for an alternative purpose. Consider making a tote bag or pillow case- anything to limit the clothing pollution that comes with throwing away clothing. The best way to treat any stain is by getting it treated by green earth cleaners in Durango. There you can get the best laundry services.

How to give new look to the clothes

How to give new look to the clothes
How to give new look to the clothes

It’s infuriating when your favourite white shirt fades in the wash or your hem begins to unravel from your jeans. It’s expensive, and very environmentally unfriendly, to constantly buy new clothes. Instead of indulging in fast fashion, here are 10 ways that you can make your clothes look new again. 

  • Use dye 
  • Spray with starch 
  • Invest in a precision tool 
  • Remove stains with what’s in your kitchen cupboard 
  • Cover it up with a patch
  • See to those seams 
  • Razor away piling 
  • Rotate your clothing 
  • Get a mesh laundry bag 
  • Experiment with buttons

Use dye 

If your whites are looking grey, transform them from dull to dynamic using clothing dye. Clothing dye comes in a range of colours, so be adventurous. If you’re looking for something more subtle, black dye is available.

Spray with starch

Starch can make your clothing look brand new by binding the fabric’s fibres together to give clothes a crisp finish. Additionally, adding starch to your ironing routine can reduce fraying and act as a barrier against dirt and stains. You can add starch to your laundry routine by adding 1-2 tablespoons of starch to a cup of water and dispensing the solution into your washing machine. Alternatively, spray starch is available and can be sprayed straight onto clothing. 

Invest in a precision tool 

Loose threads can make clothes look untidy and unkempt. A precision tool is an easy fix for this problem. Simply insert the instrument where the loose thread is from the exterior side. Pull the tool through the fabric, allowing the hook to pull the loose thread, and watch the thread disappear. Precision tools are cheap to buy and a useful instrument.

Remove underarm stains with what’s in your kitchen

Underarm stains are inevitable yet can’t be removed by normal washing. There are 3 ways to remove underarm stains and the main ingredient for each method can be found in your kitchen. 

  1. Pour white vinegar directly onto the stain and gently rub. Leave it for 5 minutes before putting the item of clothing into the washing machine and washing as normal.
  2. Create a paste of 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water. Use a toothbrush to apply the paste directly onto the stain in a scrubbing motion. Leave for up to 2 hours depending on how severe the stain is before washing the clothing as normal. 
  3. Mix equal parts lemon juice as water and scrub the mixture onto the stain. Alternatively, leave the stain to soak in the solution for up to 10 minutes depending on how severe it is. 

Cover it up with a patch

Patches have made a re-entrance into the world of fashion recently and provide an easy solution to covering up small stains and rips in clothing. Simply buy a patch, or cut a patch out from some old fabric, and sew it directly on top of the stain or rip. They work most effectively on denim items of clothing. 

See to those seams

Unravelling seams shouldn’t be the reason for throwing out your favourite clothing. If you see that a seam is unravelling, fold up the seam and squeeze a small amount of seam sealant on the folded material. Leave it to dry for a few minutes before getting on with your day, completely worry-free about the potential of your seam coming undone. 

Razor away piling 

Piling on clothing is incredibly irritating and can ruin a whole look. Piling occurs when groups of broken fibres tangle together in a knot on the surface of clothing due to rubbing whilst worn. It’s inevitable BUT has a simple solution. Use a standard razor and gently shave away the piling. Be careful not to be too harsh on your clothes or you could cause snags or tears.

Rotate your clothing 

We all have our favourite outfits, but it’s important that we rotate our clothing, especially when it comes to stiffer items, such as jackets. The more times you wear the same items of clothing the more worn they will become. This can lead to certain items losing their shape and structure and therefore not fitting as well as they did before. To avoid this, rotate your clothing and give your fabric time to rest and reshape itself. This will lead to your clothes lasting longer and you getting the optimum amount of wears from your favourite looks. 

Get a mesh laundry bag

Rips and snags can occur when using a washing machine, but can also be easily prevented by using a laundry bag. You may already have a laundry bag for your more delicate items, such as underwear, however, they are also available for normal items of clothing. Simply place your clothing into the mesh bag and place it into the washing machine. Remember not to overload the bags as this could lead to your clothing getting tangled, which could lead to damage. 

Experiment with buttons 

Buttons can fall off very easily. To keep your clothes looking fresh always try and sew buttons back on as soon as they fall off. Alternatively, you can buy different types of buttons and sew them on to a garment to heighten the look. For example, try gold or pearl buttons on a simple work shirt. This adds a stylish quality to your look and will make your outfit a complete original. To maintain the standard of your clothing it’s always best to get your clothes dry cleaned. Book your slot by visiting the companies providing green earth cleaning in Durango.