How To Do Laundry Safely During a Pandemic
How To Do Laundry Safely During a Pandemic

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, health experts and infectious disease doctors alike continue to encourage the importance of social distancing, face covering, hand washing, and disinfecting everyday items, such as clothing. But what measures can you take at home or at the laundromat to protect yourself and slow the spread?

Cleaning vs. Disinfecting

The process of cleaning involves physically removing dirt and germs from surfaces and textiles. While diligent cleaning will help reduce the risk of spreading viral and bacterial spores, it will not kill or eliminate them entirely.

Other the other hand, disinfection is a more specific process that requires the use of chemical agents to kill germs, viruses and bacterial spores.. Disinfecting hard surfaces and textiles after cleaning will further reduce the risk of spreading infectious diseases such as COVID-19, and other viruses.

Washing Laundry at Home

  • Wear gloves when handling laundry.
  • Wash clothing and linens in the washer with laundry detergent. Be sure to use a detergent that contains bleach for white/ bleach-safe items or bleach alternative for colored or mixed loads.
  • Choose the hottest wash cycle available. The World Health Organization, WHO recommends water temperatures between 140–194°F.
  • Check garment care labels and separate items that suggest lower temperature cycles such as silks, rayons, and other delicates.
  • Dry all items on a medium to high heat tumble cycle for at least 30-40 minutes uninterrupted.
  • Separate items that require low heat or air drying.
  • Disinfect laundry baskets with household surface disinfectant spray cleaner and wipe dry before reusing.
  • Wash hands with warm water and soap immediately after removing the gloves.
  • If gloves are not available, wash the hands immediately after handling dirty clothing and avoid touching the face.
  • Repeat for each load.

Washing Laundry at a Laundromat

We understand not everyone has space or resources to do laundry at their home. In addition to the above guidelines, consider these extra measures and precautions when doing laundry at a public laundromat:

  • Maintain at least 6 feet distance from other patrons.
  • Wear a face cover/ mask.
  • Wear disposable gloves.
  • Wash your hands (an/or replace gloves) after touching surfaces.
  • Disinfect the inside surfaces of the washer and dryer with a household surface cleaner.
  • Fold the laundry at home. (Or alternatively, disinfect the folding surface with a household surface disinfectant spray.)
  • At home, immediately wash your hands before folding or handling the laundry.
  • Disinfect your laundry basket and/or hamper.

Ensure Your Health & Safety

It is very important to efficiently wash and clean your clothes during this pandemic. If you are in doubt that whether you will be able to wash and disinfect your clothes properly or not reach out to the professionals that provide laundry services in Durango.

4 thoughts on “How To Do Laundry Safely During a Pandemic

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