How To Keep Your Laundry Free From Coronavirus

How To Keep Your Laundry Free From Coronavirus

Are you wondering how to keep your laundry free from coronavirus? As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the UK, senior NHS health officials continue to stress the importance of adhering to preventive measures. These measures include social distancing, hand hygiene, and the disinfection of everyday items like clothes.

Many viruses, including the one that brings about COVID-19, can be spread via contaminated clothes. Although it’s still not yet clear for how long it can thrive on clothing, health experts recommend to take the utmost caution when cleaning clothes and other textiles. Extra care should be taken especially by those living with people who have been tested positive for COVID -19. To ensure you stay safe when cleaning your clothes, sheets and towels, keep in mind the following tips.

Keep laundry that is contaminated separately and remove all personal waste

If you are caring for someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 or who has been exposed to the virus and is now in isolation, consider their clothes contaminated. In such a case, always keep these clothes in a separate bin until it’s time to do the laundry.

Ensure that you also remove all personal waste from each and every clothing item. This can be things such as used tissues, incontinence pads and all other items that appear to be soiled by bodily fluids. It’s also advisable to place a disposable or washable liner in that particular bin, the liner can then be laundered or thrown away after you have removed the dirty clothes and the waste that comes with it.

In addition, always wear protective clothing when handling the dirty laundry of a sick or exposed person. You can put on disposable gloves that can be thrown away after every single use.

Alternatively, you can make use of reusable gloves. However, ensure you wear this kind only when disinfecting and cleaning surfaces or items that have come in contact with the virus. After removing the gloves, always remember to sanitize your hands with soap and running water for no less than 20 seconds.

In case you don’t have gloves, just do the washing with your naked hands, but ensure you sanitize after you are done touching the contaminated items. Additionally, avoid shaking the laundry when you are moving items between the bin and the washing machine as doing so could disperse the coronavirus bacteria through the air.

Wash clothes at high temperatures

Health institutions recommend laundering items at high temperatures as it helps to kill germs including the coronavirus.

The World Health Organisation explains that hot water plus the entire laundry process should eliminate coronavirus from fabrics. This includes the combination of detergent and physical agitation during the rinse and spin stages of the washing cycle.

The recommended heat treatment for contaminated clothes is 60°C or hotter. This is especially with clothes that have been contaminated with body fluids such as vomit, sweat, blood and faeces, as they can transmit the virus more readily. However, other things like workout gear, underwear, towels, and reusable nappies should be given similar treatment.

After washing has been done, it is advisable to use a dryer rather than hanging the laundry to dry. This is because the extreme heat from the dryer helps to inactivate any remaining viral microbes that might still be lurking within the clothes after the washing machine cycle.

Use detergent with bleach

Health organizations also state that bleaching clothes may help in killing the coronavirus. Therefore, if you are washing light and white colours, you could add some bleaching agent to the load.

You could also utilise a detergent containing a colour-safe bleach if it is appropriate for the clothes. However, always follow the instructions on the bottle or box concerning the dilution of the bleach in water. 

Sanitise all surfaces

After you are done with the laundry, clean and sanitise all surfaces that you have come in contact with. This includes the control panel and the door of the washing machine, the doorknob, and the hamper used in holding the contaminated clothes.

Change clothes often

If you are a frontline medical worker in the NHS and you suspect you may have been exposed to the virus, then change your clothes whenever you are able to. At least, do it as soon as you arrive home, and treat everything you are wearing as contaminated clothing. This will minimise your exposure in case your clothes happen to carry the virus.

If you wear a face mask and gloves, then make sure you change them often. Masks can quickly accumulate a large number of viruses as there is moist and warm air constantly circulating through them. Masks made of fabrics should be cleaned in hot water then dried thoroughly before wearing them again. However, disposable face masks should be used only once, so you should dispose of them immediately after use.

Observe social distance in the launderette

If you do not have access to a washing machine or dryer, which can be fairly common in London, then you might need to use your local launderette, which has been classed as an essential business by the government and therefore have remained open during the national lockdown in England.

If you are using a launderette, then always look to observe appropriate levels of social distancing as you are using a communal laundry facility where there can be heightened chances of catching the virus, wear a mask and sanitize after coming into contact with all surfaces.

How can help keep your laundry coronavirus free

They hope this article has helped answer the question on how to keep your laundry free from Coronavirus. Alternatively, you can go for the professional laundry services in Durango services and choose for the covid-safe pick up and delivery laundry service which has been helping 1000s of people during the pandemic with essential laundry and dry cleaning services. Alongside the top quality cleaning, drying and folding of your clothes, they also currently offering:

  • Contactless pick up and delivery 
  • Mandatory wearing of masks for all staff within the cleaning facility
  • If requested, they can clean and dry clothes at higher heats then usual for people who have had the virus to ensure all germs and bacteria are removed. 

How to Remove Colour Stains from Your Clothes Like a Pro

How to Remove Colour Stains from Your Clothes Like a Pro

The best way to keep your clothes stain-free is to prevent them from getting stained. However, there are some stains which are unavoidable like sweat, perfume, make up etc. On other occasions there’s the accidental gravy spill or a load mix-up of white clothes with dark coloured clothes which leaves behind tough stains. Read on to know how to remove colour stains from clothes.  

Why Should You Wash Your Clothes After Every Use?

They suggest you to wash your clothes after each and every use. You may not notice some stains on the first glance like a sweat patch in the underarms. However, if you run a hot press over the garment before wearing it again, the heat will make the stain more prominent and permanent. For other kinds of stains like food stain or colour stains, you will have to act immediately. The stain will penetrate into the fabric if you do not treat it quickly.  

What Causes Colour Run in Wash?

You get colour run in the wash because the dye is loose and not colourfast. The problem intensifies when you are washing your clothes at a high temperature. You can easily avoid amplifying this problem. Always wash your dark and bright coloured clothes at a lower temperature, preferably cold water.  

How to Prevent Dye Transfers? 

A widely common laundry mishap is running of colour from one garment to another. You can easily prevent that from happening if you follow safe laundry practices. Here are some tips to help people avoid such accidents. 

The manufacturers might issue a warning for dark coloured items like your denim jeans. Read the care label to know if your garment needs to be washed separately. Another point to remember is to avoid washing your light and dark coloured clothes together. It increases the risk of dye transfers. 

How to Remove Colour Stain from Clothes?

If you spot a colour stain on your clothes, it is important not to panic. You can remove the stain from your clothes. Follow the steps given here. 

You will need:

  • A tub filled with cold water 
  • Vinegar
  • Colour catcher
  • Bleach

Method 1: For White Silk and Satin Clothes

Step 1: Treat the Stain- Delicate fabrics like silk and satin need gentle handling. Remove the stain by pouring 3-4 drops of mild liquid detergent directly on the stain. Gently rub with your fingers to work it in. Wait for 10-20 minutes

Step 2: Wash the Stain- Wash the stained area with plain water. Check if the stain is gone. Repeat step 1 once again, if needed.

Step 3: Wash the Garment- Once the stain is gone, wash your white garment gently. It’s good to wash your white silk and satin garments with hands. Use a mild detergent to do so. Delicate garments made from silk, wool and cotton require extra care and using a mild detergent can work wonders. They recommend Love and Care, which is available in the market. It is specially formulated for specific fabrics. Always check the care label to understand the right water temperature to be used for wash.

Step 4: Dry the Garment- Once the garment is washed, dry it under partial shade. Store it away properly. Always store lights and darks separately.

Method 2: For Coloured Silk and Satin Clothes

Step 1: Pre-Treat the Stain- Before washing, pre-treat the stain. Dampen the stained portion of the clothing and pour 3-4 drops of liquid detergent on it. Rub it gently with your finger for 1-2 minutes. Wash away with plain water. This step will make the further stain removal process effective.

Step 2: Wash the Garment- Now, separate the affected clothing item from the rest of the load. Run a gentle wash cycle again using an effective laundry detergent. If you prefer to wash your clothes in a washing machine, you can use Surf Excel Matic Liquid, which is specially formulated for washing machines and is easily available in the market. Always check the wash care label on your garment to understand the right washing temperature.  

Step 3: Check if the Stain is Gone- Inspect your clothes carefully to see if the colour stains have disappeared. If not, you may have to use a laundry booster like vinegar or lime juice, as explained in Step 3.

Step 4: Soak in Vinegar- Take a tub full of cold water and add 1 cup of vinegar to it. Soak your clothes in the solution for 20-40 minutes. Now, rewash your clothes using your laundry detergent. 

Step 5: Wash the Garment- Now wash your garment as you usually do. Prefer washing your silks with hands as they need delicate handling. However, if your washing machine has a ‘silk’ setting, you can use that. Remember to check the wash care label to understand correct washing method.

Step 6: Dry the Garment- Once the garment is washed, dry it under partial shade. Store it away properly.

Method 3: For White Cotton, Georgette and Chiffon Clothes

Step 1: Soak in Bleach Solution- Soak your white clothes in the bleach solution for the recommended time. Please read the instructions on the label carefully to get the best results. You can use a bleach (sodium hypochlorite) like Rin Ala. Rin Ala being sodium hypochlorite bleach is recommended to use on white clothes only. Do not use on coloured clothes. Check the pack to understand correct usage instructions.

Step 2: Wash as you usually do- Now, wash your white clothes using your regular wash method. The stains should have disappeared. 

Step 3: Dry the Garment- Once the garment is washed, dry it under natural sunlight. It acts as a natural disinfectant and a bleaching agent for white clothes. Store it away properly.

Method 4: For Coloured Cotton, Georgette and Chiffon Clothes

Step 1: Remove the stain- To remove the stain, pour 3-4 drops of liquid detergent directly on the stain. Rub the stain into the fabric using your fingers. Allow it to settle for 10-15 minutes.

Step 2: Wash the Stain- Now hold the stained part under cold running water to wash away the stain. Repeat step 1, if needed.

Step 3: Soak the Garment- If the stain is stubborn, make a solution of ½ bucket of warm water, 1 cup of white vinegar and 1-2 tsp. of detergent.  Drop your garment in it and allow it to soak for 40-50 minutes.

Step 4: Wash the Garment- Now drop your garment in your washing machine and start the cycle. Remember not to load white and dark coloured clothes together. Check the wash care label on your garment to know right washing method.

Step 5: Dry the Garment- Once the garment is washed, dry it under partial shade. Store it away properly.

Method 5: For White Polyester and Nylon Clothes

A colour catcher is a special piece of cloth which is designed to absorb the bleeding colours during a wash cycle. They are easily available at your supermarket or online stores. You can think of it as a small investment that’ll save you a lot of laundry troubles in the future.  

Step 1: Add Colour Catcher- Place the colour catcher in your washing machine as per the instructions on the packaging. 

Step 2: Add Laundry Detergent- Put the rest of your laundry load in the washing machine and set the wash cycle like you normally do. Use effective laundry detergent. They recommend Surf Excel Matic Liquid. It is specially formulated for washing machines. Check the instructions on the pack to know how to use it the right way. 

Step 3: Dry the Garment- Once the garment is washed, dry it under partial shade. Store it away properly.

Are you ready to save time, stress less, and complete all your laundry in a matter of minutes? If yes then visit the professionals who offer the service of Laundry in Durango. You can also ask for the services they offer and about how they can help.

How to Get Rid of Turmeric Stains from Your White Cotton Workwear

How to Get Rid of Turmeric Stains from Your White Cotton Workwear

A white garment is a must-have in your wardrobe. You can pair it with jeans as well as trousers. However, white clothes are prone to stains. So, you must know some basic laundry tricks to remove stains from your them.

After all, a good quality cotton garment can be expensive and you cannot toss it away if your garment has a small stain.

To bid goodbye to turmeric stains on your white garment, follow the steps given below.

Step 1: Treat with Laundry Detergent

Mix 2 tbsp. of vinegar with 1 tsp. of laundry detergent in a bucket of warm water. Twirl the water with your hands to form a soapy solution in the bucket. Soak your stained garment in this solution for about 30 minutes. If you prefer to hand wash your clothes, you can use a detergent powder such as Surf Excel Easy Wash. It is easily available in the market.

Step 2: Treat with Bleach

Take another bucket and fill half of it with warm water. Add a small quantity of soap flakes to it by grating a bar of soap. Next, add cold water to the bucket once the soap flakes have dissolved. Transfer the garment from the first bucket to this one and let it sit for 15 minutes.

To enhance the effectiveness of the solution, add 2 drops of bleach. You can use a bleach (sodium hypochlorite) like Rin Ala for sheets and clothes. Rin Ala being sodium hypochlorite bleach is recommended to use on white clothes only. Do not use on coloured clothes. Do remember to protect your hands by wearing gloves whenever you handle bleach.

Step 3: Wash Your Garment

Rinse your garment with cold water until all the residue detergent and bleach are gone. Wring gently. Do not twist your garment vigorously. Blot your garment using a clean towel to get rid of excess moisture. Dry your white garment in a shaded place away from direct sunlight.

Now if you are thinking to remove stains from clothes professionally, than it is best to reach out to the Durango laundry service providers.

How to Wash Mango Stains from your Clothes

How to Wash Mango Stains from your Clothes

There is no denying how delicious mangoes are but they sure do make a mess when the juice drips onto your clothes. Sugary fruit stains like mango stains can be tricky to treat, as the sugars can set into the fabric, becoming stubborn with time if left untreated. However, do not worry, they will tell you how to remove mango stains from clothes at home.

Before starting to clean, remember to check the wash care label on the garment to see if it can be washed at home. If it says ‘dry clean only’, it is best to take it to a dry-cleaning service.

This step-by-step guide on how to remove mango stain marks will show you exactly what you need to do to restore your garment.

Ingredients to Keep Handy:

a) Spoon

b) Paper towel

c) Liquid laundry detergent

d) Dishwashing liquid

e) Fabric conditioner

Step 1: Scrape Off and Blot Excess Residue

Use the edge of a spoon to remove the pulp, gently scraping rather than wiping or rubbing. Rubbing will deposit the stain further into the fabric. You can then use a paper towel to carefully blot the stain and absorb as much of the juice as possible.

Step 2: Spot Treat the Stain

Make a cleaning solution by mixing 2 tsp. of liquid detergent, 1 tsp. of white vinegar and 1 tsp. of water. Apply the solution directly on the stained area. Allow it to work for 20-30 minutes.

Step 3: Wash the Stain

Hold the stained area under a tap on full flow. This will help to push the mango stains out of the fabric.

Step 4: Soak the Garment

Fill a bucket or large container with cold water, add 1 tbsp. of liquid detergent in it, and soak the clothing for up to an hour. Soaking helps loosen the remaining traces of the stain effectively.

Step 5: Wash the fabric in your machine

Finally, follow the instructions on the care label of the garment and wash as usual in your machine using a liquid laundry detergent. To wash your clothes in a washing machine, you can use Surf Excel Matic Liquid, as it helps remove tough stains and is specially formulated for washing machines.

You can also use a fabric conditioner to keep your clothes feeling fresh and soft. You can try a fabric conditioner such as Comfort Core. It is easily available in the market. It keeps the fibres intact, thus making the fabric soft and smooth. It also adds a mild fragrance to the fabric.

Whether you are wondering how to remove mango juice stains or how to remove old mango stains from clothes, this guide is your solution. Try this cleaning method and say bye-bye to stubborn mango stains!

Now if you are thinking to remove stains from clothes professionally, opt for the companies that offer laundry services in Durango.

5 Questions to Ask Your Dry Cleaner

5 Questions to Ask Your Dry Cleaner

As you would before choosing an accountant, dentist or barber, you should look around before selecting a dry cleaner. If you’re looking for a new dry cleaner, here are five basic questions you should ask:

What are your hours of operation? 

First, determine whether or not the hours of operation will fit your schedule. Are delivery services or special pickup times available? If you work odd hours, for example, you may run into scheduling conflicts.

Where are my items laundered? 

Some larger dry cleaners and chains will take your clothes to another location for cleaning. Are you comfortable with a third party laundering your clothes, or are you someone who prefers to speak directly to the individual processing your order? At laundry durango, all laundering and dry cleaning takes place on site.

What is your policy for lost or damaged items? 

Precautions are taken, tickets assigned, instructions logged. But with the sheer volume of dry cleaning one business handles, it is understandable that accidents happen.

What additional services do you offer? 

Can you get alterations, or do they offer free button replacement? What about large items, like rugs and curtains? Is same day service available? There are tons of add-ons at the dry cleaner, and knowing what they are will help you customize your service. At the Durango laundry place, they offer all these services in addition to free home pick and delivery, and leather cleaning.

Do you offer organic dry cleaning services?

Many people have skin sensitivities or prefer to use a more eco-friendly dry cleaner. Be sure ask about their cleaning agents, as well as their process and how it works.

While some people rarely need to visit a dry cleaner, others require weekly trips. For both, it’s important to have a dry cleaner who knows you, your preferences and offers the hours and services to meet your needs.

What, Exactly, is Dry Cleaning?

What, Exactly, is Dry Cleaning?

Dry cleaning is a cleaning process that does not use water. It got its name from Jean Baptiste Jolly, in 1885, when his tablecloth became cleaner after kerosene was spilled on it. He had a dye-works company in France, but offered a new service of dry cleaning.

Today, dry cleaners mainly use a synthetic solvent called perchlorethylene or perc. It is safer and cleans better than earlier solvents used, and it doesn’t require massive equipment. It is also good for one hour service. Dry cleaning involves a specific process which is given below.

The Machine

A dry cleaning machine is very similar to a combination washer and dryer only larger. It is usually front loading and the solvent is gradually added to lift the soil from the cloth and hold it until it is spun away. When the process is finished, the garment should have no residue of solvent odor.

The Process

  • Inspection- The dry cleaner tags each piece of clothing to be sure it gets back to the right customer. Each piece is then inspected to see if there are any special stains or spots or missing buttons and holes. The owner shouldn’t think these tears were caused by the dry cleaner.
  • Stubborn Stains- Stains are pre-treated according to the cause of the stain. Different types of stains need different chemicals for removal. For example, nail polish will need a different chemical than tomato sauce.
  • The Cleaning- The garments are all put into the machine together up to the weight the machine will hold. Most commercial machines hold up to 45 kilograms of clothing. The clothes are rotated while the solvent is pumped into the machine. Up to 5,600 liters of solvent is pumped per hour. The machine then drains the solvent away along with the dirt and spins the clothes to remove the remaining drops of solvent.
  • Another Inspection- When the garments have been spun dry, they will be removed from the machine and inspected again for any stains that were not removed. This is called post-spotting. Again, different chemicals will be used for different types of stain. This is considered quality control, so that the customer gets a spotless garment and returns to use the dry cleaning establishment again.
  • Ironing- The clothing needs to be ironed or steamed for final presentation. In some cases, the customer will request that the clothing be repaired. There are special machines for ironing different types of garments.
  • Manufacturer’s Tags- Manufacturers are required to put at least one method for cleaning a garment on the care label. That way, the owner knows how best to care for the garment and will clean in another way at their own risk.

Dry Clean Only, it is not a good idea to machine or even hand-wash this garment. Some silk and wool garment’s label say to dry clean, but they can be safely hand washed in cold water with special soap.

If a garment says Do Not Dry Clean, it means the decorations will be ruined in the process or the fabric could bleed, fade or shrink beyond repair. Some people like dry cleaning even for cotton or cotton-blends that could be washed in water. They feel dry cleaning keeps the colour fresher and the shape more like new.

These days, the dry cleaners who offers laundry services in Durango mainly use a synthetic solvent called perchlorethylene or perc. It is safer and cleans better than earlier solvents used, and it doesn’t require massive equipment.



Today, many Americans lead busy lifestyles, leaving them with little to no time for everyday tasks. For instance, it is difficult to spend your whole weekend doing laundry manually just because your washer broke down or is too small to accommodate your pile of clothes. Thankfully, you can use laundromats to take care of your laundry needs, which is an important aspect of your overall personal hygiene.



The standard washer size suitable for apartments ranges from 1.4 to 4.5 cubic feet. Such washers can handle up to 15 pounds of laundry loads, depending on the size. However, assuming you want to wash bigger batches of laundry or just large pieces such as comforters, your home washer won’t be up to the task, especially if it’s too small. In such situations, a laundromat can come in handy since it has high-capacity commercial-grade washers and dryers to ease your work.


Unlike typical home washing machines that only have a few laundry options, commercial washers and dryers in laundromats provide different programs for you to choose from. This maximizes the safety of your clothes since you get to use specific programs on certain fabrics. Additionally, laundromats give you more options of washing machines and dryers such that, in case one machine breaks down, you will have others at your disposal.


When you visit a laundromat, you most likely want to spend the shortest time possible washing and drying without compromising the cleanliness of your clothes. Thankfully, you can easily achieve this if you go to the laundromat on a not-so-busy day. On such a day, most of the laundry machines will be free for you to run multiple batches simultaneously, increasing your efficiency and saving your time.


According to Consumer Reports, most Americans install their laundry appliances in the basement. This means that if you have your washer in the basement, you will have to make several trips to and fro to fetch clothes, detergents, baskets, and other items. In many laundromats, laundry necessities are usually placed on the same floor. With a cart and laundry basket, it won’t be difficult for you to fetch these items to your washing spot. This makes your laundry experience quick and efficient.


Once your clothes are washed and dried, you may want to iron, fold, and pack them for easy transportation back home. To achieve this, you will need some extra space, especially if you have a pile of dirty clothes. The good news is that most laundromats provide space for ironing and folding.


Other than extra space, most laundromats will also give you a chair to sit in or a place to relax as you wait for your laundry cycles to complete. During this time, you can choose to sit and skim through a magazine, check a few social media posts, or just relax and meditate.

If you have little to no time for laundry at home, you should use laundromats for a quick and efficient laundry experience or the best option is to rely upon the experts who offers the laundry services in Durango.

Importance of Regular Dry Cleaning

Importance of Regular Dry Cleaning

Although you understand the process of cleaning your clothes in a standard washer and dryer, dry cleaning is a different matter. Dry cleaning is called such because the cleaning process uses little or no water as the cleaners used are organic solvents to remove stains and soil from garments.

Clothing items made of natural fibers including silk and wool may fade, shrink, or lose their shape if laundered in a washing machine, but dry cleaning these items doesn’t cause swelling the fibers that lead to damage and discoloration.

Dry Cleaning Benefits Over Normal Laundering

The solvents used in dry cleaning dissolve and remove oil and grease stains, which is something that water alone can’t accomplish. For other types of stains, the dry cleaner performs spot treatments that may involve the use of steam or other professional skills and expertise only a dry cleaner possesses.

The process of cleaning the garment with solvents doesn’t crease or distort garments, but it also can’t restore an item that has lost its shape. However, a skilled dry cleaner can re-shape the garment, restore creases and eliminate wrinkles through steam pressing. The entire process of dry cleaning includes cleaning with solvents, spot treatment and a final press of the garment.

Limitations of Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaners can do amazing things to restore clothing to its original shape, remove stains and provide a thorough cleaning, but there are limits to what they can achieve. Even the most experienced and skilled dry cleaner may not have the ability to accomplish the following:

  • Remove ingrained grime and dirt that accumulated over years
  • Completely remove all stains
  • Restore torn or worn areas
  • Prevent holes created by insects, pests, snagging or acid
  • Remove the shiny appearance caused by too much pressure and heat during home ironing
  • Correct damage from improper stain removal

Some of the above issues such as ingrained grime can be prevented with regular dry cleaning. It’s not always possible to remove every stain due to the type and age of stain and the construction and color of the fabric. Even at-home stain removal can fail in such instances.

Dry cleaners with tailoring or alteration services can repair holes and some wear, but it’s not included in their usual dry cleaning service. Sometimes holes in garments appear after dry cleaning, but this is due to weakened fibers that existed before cleaning.

Obtaining the Best Results from Dry Cleaning

To obtain the best results from dry cleaning your clothing, you need to follow a few practices that help protect your clothing and extend their longevity. These practices include:

  • Regular dry cleaning
  • Bringing garment in as soon as possible following a stain
  • Discuss stains and point out spills to dry cleaner
  • Prevent contact between clothing and solutions with alcohol such as cologne or perfume as this can result in color loss
  • Protect delicate fabrics like silk from excess sweat as this can weaken fibers
  • Wait until your antiperspirant or deodorant is dry to dress
  • Avoid exposing your delicate garments to prolonged direct sunlight
  • Never iron clothing with stains as this can set the stains in

Make sure all of your dry clean only clothing continues to look its best with professional dry cleaning services from professional green earth cleaner in Durango.

What is an alternative to traditional dry cleaning?

What is an alternative to traditional dry cleaning?

What is an alternative to traditional dry cleaning? When most people need to have their clothes cleaned, there are usually two options: laundry, or dry cleaning. For special, delicate fabrics like silks, wools, linens, and others, dry cleaning is usually the most accepted way of cleaning these items.

Even though the process is known as “dry,” the cleaning method isn’t exactly dry. Water is not required; rather, dry cleaning uses other liquid solvents to clean the delicate fabrics.

But most cleaners use “traditional” dry cleaning solvents – which can be harsh petrochemicals that are harmful for you, your clothes, and the planet. Read more to find out alternatives to these potentially harmful cleaning methods.

What Is Traditional Dry Cleaning, and Why Is It So Harsh?

Different chemicals such as kerosene, turpentine, and gasoline were chemicals used from the very early days of the dry cleaning industry. Unfortunately, most cleaners are still using chemicals that are similar to these harsh chemicals, such as Perchloroethylene (PCE) and hydrocarbon, which are still the two most widely used chemicals these days.

These chemicals are made from petroleum and are referred to as “petrochemicals”, and if you think about it, it is kind of like giving your clothes a bath in gasoline. These traditional dry cleaning solvents contribute to air pollution and water pollution, and some of the most dangerous chemicals, like perchloroethylene, have even been banned in many states and even some countries.

What Is Green Dry Cleaning?

If you buy dry cleanable clothing, you should know that there are now many widely accepted alternatives to traditional dry cleaning. They recommend educating yourself about one of the many green cleaning alternatives out there, so then you can wear any garment you would like and still minimize the impact on planet.

Green Dry Cleaning Alternatives

1. Hand Washing

It may not always be feasible to hand clean clothes that are for dry cleaning only, however it is possible. There are mild eco-friendly detergents available in the market that can clean such clothes.

Just make sure to be careful while washing those clothes and be gentle with them. An example of such detergent can be Planet Inc.’s delicate laundry wash. You can use detergents as such to clean fabrics such as silks, lace, sweaters, etc. They do not recommend ever washing these items in a laundry machine, and definitely air-dry and never dry in a machine dryer.

2. Professional Wet Cleaning

This process is one of the most eco-friendly dry-cleaning alternatives you can find, because it uses water to clean clothes that have the “dry clean only” label. The origins of professional wet cleaning dates back to ancient times, and in fact shares a lot of similarities with hand washing!

Professional wet cleaning accomplishes the same eco-friendly cleaning as hand washing by using specialized equipment that mimics the natural hand cleaning methods, but with machines. This process also uses milder soaps and detergents to clean items with water and then specialized pressing equipment to prevent wrinkling while also making sure that items do not shrink while drying.

Nearly all experts agree that this is the most eco-friendly option if you want to use a professional cleaning service to make your clothes look their best and minimize the impact on the earth.

3. GreenEarth Dry Cleaning

Another good substitute for dry cleaning can be GreenEarth dry cleaning (liquid silicone) cleaning. This cleaning process, used by select dry cleaners around the world, is one of the most eco-friendly dry cleaning solvents, since it is biodegradable and breaks down into three trace elements of sand, water, and CO2. GreenEarth is one of the most earth-safe processes for dry cleaning.
GreenEarth is odorless and colorless, and leaves clothes cleaner, brighter, and softer than ever before.

4. Steam cleaning

The next on the list is steam cleaning. To try steam cleaning, place any non-wool or silk item in the dryer along with a damp towel. For 20-30 minutes, run the dryer until the towel is dry. The combination of the damp towel, heat, and air-flow, will remove some of the stains and odors that were present on the clothes previously.

5. Wash bags

Wash bags, also known as dryer bags, can sometimes be a useful alternative to traditional dry cleaning. While not terribly effective as a stain remover, wash bags can be somewhat effective for odor removal. The was hbag contains a cleaning solution in small amounts and has some stain treating abilities. To use them, simply place your clothes in the bag. There is a sheet that comes with the bag will draw impurities out from the clothes without damaging them. Wash bags are best for light cleaning.

Eco-dry cleaners

They need to consider more eco-friendly dry cleaners to reduce the harmful impacts that traditional dry cleaning has the plane. Eco-dry cleaners are better for us and better for the plant, as they ensure a safer and cleaner process to clean your clothes.

Greener Cleaner is the very first cleaner in the United States to offer wet cleaning, and so they have the most experience of anyone else you will find. They can you’re your clothes always look their best, and they do so with very eco-friendly processes. From bridal gowns to leather items to household items, all clothing types can be cleaned by us, so you’ll never have to worry about harsh chemicals on your clothes again.

Best organic dry cleaners

If you are searching for an organic dry cleaner in Durango, you can rely on the professionals who offers the green earth cleaner in Durango. They have one of the largest dry cleaning delivery services and can even ship your clothing to you if you live too far.

Final Words

Clothing is a huge part of who they are, and a big part of unique identities. For any occasion, they need to have clothes that represent us well, and are always clean and neatly pressed. With the knowledge you’ve gained from this article, you now never have to worry about harsh chemicals cleaning your clothes again, because you can now choose any of the green dry cleaning alternatives which you have read about here.

Wrong Kw insertion/ remove company name Greener Cleaner/ use different Kw insertion

Beyond Solvents: How Organic Dry Cleaning Helps the Environment

Beyond Solvents: How Organic Dry Cleaning Helps the Environment

You likely know that organic dry cleaning companies use non-toxic chemicals to clean clothing. These chemicals are environmentally friendly, making them the right choice for dry cleaning. However, you might not realize that it’s just one way eco-friendly dry cleaning companies help the environment. Find out some additional ways organic dry cleaning helps the green initiative.

Organic Dry Cleaning Companies Conserve Water

Did you know that you use around 40 gallons of water every time you wash clothes? Water consumption has a direct impact on the environment. It removes water from the ecosystem, making it less accessible. Organisms need water to survive, so people have to find ways to get a handle on water consumption. Organic dry cleaning doesn’t use water. Instead, your local dry cleaner uses solvents. Taking your garments to a dry cleaner is an easy way to save water. You might not be able to eliminate washing clothes completely, but you can reduce your water consumption with dry cleaning.

Eco-friendly Companies Use Energy-efficient Transportation

This might come as a surprise, but organic dry cleaning companies use eco-friendly transportation when picking up and delivering orders. Eco-friendly vehicles burn less gas, reducing pollution. Considering that pollution from gas-guzzling vehicles is one of the leading causes of global warming, this is critical. When you use an eco-friendly dry cleaner, you can do your part to reduce pollution on the roads. You don’t have to feel guilty about burning gas since your clothes will be transported in a fuel-efficient vehicle.

Organic Dry Cleaners Use Energy-efficient Light Bulbs

Organic dry cleaning companies care so much about the environment that they even use eco-friendly light bulbs in the facilities. Eco-friendly light bulbs save energy and reduce waste. This, in turn, dramatically reduces greenhouse gas emissions. This is just another way that eco-friendly dry cleaning companies set themselves apart from other businesses.

Get Reusable Hangers from an Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning Company

If you’ve ever used a traditional dry cleaning company, your clothing likely came back on wire hangers. Wire hangers aren’t good for your clothes, and they are also bad for the environment. Because they aren’t very durable, people typically throw them away. Around 100 tons of wire hangers end up in landfills each year, stretching the spaces to capacity. Organic dry cleaning companies are working to solve this problem by getting rid of wire hangers.

Instead of getting saddled with wire hangers that you’ll never use, these companies will provide you with reusable hangers. This is much better for the environment, plus you don’t have to worry about wire hangers harming your clothing.

No More Plastic Bags When Using an Organic Dry Cleaning Service

Traditional dry cleaners don’t just hurt the environment with wire hangers. They also use plastic garment bags. Plastic isn’t biodegradable, so when you throw it away, it will remain in a landfill forever. Eco-friendly garment bags allow repeated use, and when done with them, you don’t have to worry about harming the environment. If you are tired of throwing away tons of plastic every time you dry-clean your clothing, consider using an eco-friendly dry cleaning company for pickup and delivery.

Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning Companies Offer Recycling Options

Green cleaners also provide clients with recycling options. You can send your old wire hangers and other materials with your dry cleaning to be recycled. Recycling saves energy while reducing pollutants and greenhouse gases. Plus, it prevents items from going to landfills, so you don’t have to worry about contributing to that problem. This truly is the environmentally friendly way to dry-clean your clothing.

Organic Dry Cleaners Help Clothes Last Longer

Green dry cleaning also helps you keep your clothing longer. The solvents are tough on stains but easy on garments, so you won’t have to replace your wardrobe nearly as often. Most clothing contains fibers that don’t break down, meaning the environmental impact never goes away when they’re discarded. By helping keep your clothes longer, an organic dry cleaner also allows you to reduce your environmental impact. Plus, it’s nice to lower your clothing budget and spend the money on other things.

Organic Dry Cleaning Delivery Services Company Provides Clothing Alterations

Did you know that an organic dry cleaning company also offers professional alterations? This is yet another way to make your clothing last longer. Instead of throwing your clothes away and buying something new, you can have it altered and then get even more use out of it. The longer you can keep your clothing, the better it is for the environment, so choose to make use of this service.

Environmentally Friendly Companies Reduce Paper Waste

Eco-friendly dry cleaning companies also strive to reduce paper waste. Manufacturing paper reduces harmful toxins into the air, and then the paper ends up in landfills after it’s used. Organic dry cleaning companies address this problem by using digital tools such as online scheduling and payment options. This allows dry cleaning companies to keep data on a computer network and provide digital receipts. This might sound like a minor way to help the environment, but it can have a huge impact.

Do Your Part With an Eco-friendly Dry Cleaning Company

An eco-friendly green earth cleaning in Durango offers so much more than environmentally friendly solvents. While that’s important, that’s just part of what you can expect. Such a company also saves energy, reduces pollution, and more. When you use an organic dry cleaning company, you can rest assured that you have made a wise choice for the environment.

You can also rest assured that the process will be easy. Schedule a service online to set it up. The driver will then pick up your order. You don’t even have to be home for a delivery, so you can go about your normal life while helping the environment with eco-friendly dry cleaning.