Coffee Stain Removal Tips

Coffee Stain Removal Tips

As with almost any stain, your best chances for removal exist immediately after the accident occurs, especially with dark stains, such as coffee or red wine. While there are several steps you can take to remove coffee stains, your best option for complete eradication is to take your garment to a professional dry cleaner, or provider of laundry in Durango, with expert spotting (or spot treatment) services.

Before you do, however, try a few of these at-home remedies. If nothing else, they will help lessen the stain and make it easier for your dry cleaner to completely remove what remains.

  • Blot as soon as possible. Take two towels. Press against the front and back of the stain from the interior and exterior of the garment to remove excess liquid.
  • Use a small amount of dish detergent (some people dilute it slightly with water) and work it gently into the coffee stain from the centre outward in small circular motions.
  • Under cold water, rinse the stain, blot and repeat.
  • An older coffee stain removal tip includes a small amount of white vinegar diluted in approximately a quart of water. Dip the soiled area into the solution and gently scrub the stained area against itself. Rinse and repeat.
  • If you keep a commercial spot treatment solution on hand, read the instructions carefully. Many of these contain abrasive chemicals that can damage your garment.

Some people are confident tackling stains at home, but others enjoy the comfort of knowing that stain removal – even coffee stain removal – is done professionally at their local dry cleaner.

If you do take your garment in to be laundered, be sure to inquire about the potential for damage and ask about their spot treatment process. It’s best to understand your dry cleaner’s claims process should your item get damaged during stain removal.

What, Exactly, is Dry Cleaning?

What, Exactly, is Dry Cleaning?

Dry cleaning is a cleaning process that does not use water. It got its name from Jean Baptiste Jolly, in 1885, when his tablecloth became cleaner after kerosene was spilled on it. He had a dye-works company in France, but offered a new service of dry cleaning.

Today, dry cleaners mainly use a synthetic solvent called perchlorethylene or perc. It is safer and cleans better than earlier solvents used, and it doesn’t require massive equipment. It is also good for one hour service. Dry cleaning involves a specific process which is given below.

The Machine

A dry cleaning machine is very similar to a combination washer and dryer only larger. It is usually front loading and the solvent is gradually added to lift the soil from the cloth and hold it until it is spun away. When the process is finished, the garment should have no residue of solvent odor.

The Process

  • Inspection- The dry cleaner tags each piece of clothing to be sure it gets back to the right customer. Each piece is then inspected to see if there are any special stains or spots or missing buttons and holes. The owner shouldn’t think these tears were caused by the dry cleaner.
  • Stubborn Stains- Stains are pre-treated according to the cause of the stain. Different types of stains need different chemicals for removal. For example, nail polish will need a different chemical than tomato sauce.
  • The Cleaning- The garments are all put into the machine together up to the weight the machine will hold. Most commercial machines hold up to 45 kilograms of clothing. The clothes are rotated while the solvent is pumped into the machine. Up to 5,600 liters of solvent is pumped per hour. The machine then drains the solvent away along with the dirt and spins the clothes to remove the remaining drops of solvent.
  • Another Inspection- When the garments have been spun dry, they will be removed from the machine and inspected again for any stains that were not removed. This is called post-spotting. Again, different chemicals will be used for different types of stain. This is considered quality control, so that the customer gets a spotless garment and returns to use the dry cleaning establishment again.
  • Ironing- The clothing needs to be ironed or steamed for final presentation. In some cases, the customer will request that the clothing be repaired. There are special machines for ironing different types of garments.
  • Manufacturer’s Tags- Manufacturers are required to put at least one method for cleaning a garment on the care label. That way, the owner knows how best to care for the garment and will clean in another way at their own risk.

Dry Clean Only, it is not a good idea to machine or even hand-wash this garment. Some silk and wool garment’s label say to dry clean, but they can be safely hand washed in cold water with special soap.

If a garment says Do Not Dry Clean, it means the decorations will be ruined in the process or the fabric could bleed, fade or shrink beyond repair. Some people like dry cleaning even for cotton or cotton-blends that could be washed in water. They feel dry cleaning keeps the colour fresher and the shape more like new.

These days, the dry cleaners who offers laundry services in Durango mainly use a synthetic solvent called perchlorethylene or perc. It is safer and cleans better than earlier solvents used, and it doesn’t require massive equipment.

Why You Should Not Treat a Stain Before Taking a Garment to the Dry Cleaner

Why You Should Not Treat a Stain Before Taking a Garment to the Dry Cleaner

Taking your clothing to the dry cleaner is an excellent option for those clothing items that shouldn’t be washed in a regular washing machine cycle. To determine whether or not you should bring a specific piece of clothing to the dry cleaner, simply look on the tag to see if it requires hand washing or dry cleaning.

You may also opt to bring your clothes here if you simply do not have the ability to do your own laundry and prefer the overall look and feel that dry cleaning provides. If you have a stain on your garment, do not treat it before bringing it to the dry cleaner, however, this is not necessary.

Noting Stains

Before bringing your garments to the local dry cleaner, it is important to note any stains and spills that have been made on the clothing. Before being professionally cleaned, cleaners must be aware of any and all stains as this can cause additional problems during the cleaning process. For example, if sugar residue was spilled on the clothes, the residue may darken as heat is applied, leaving you with a larger and more noticeable stain.

Stains Removed at the Dry Cleaner

In most cases, it is not necessary to treat your stains prior to bringing your garments to the dry cleaner and, in fact, they recommend that you avoid pre-treating altogether. Dry cleaning uses various types of fluids to remove soils and stains from all different types of fabric. Dry cleaning can even dissolve grease and oil stains in a different way than water is able to do.

By treating your stains before coming to the dry cleaner, you may actually be making the cleaning process harder to complete and can cause shrinkage and colour loss. If your apparel has stains on it, but can not be washed in water, a great alternative is to bring your wool and silk clothing to the cleaners for assistance.

Spot Treatments

If you have recently noticed a stain on your favorite piece of clothing, but are unsure of how to effectively remove it without harming your garment, bringing it to the dry cleaner is the best option. Dry cleaners are able to perform special spot treatments that target your individual stains. Whether you’re dealing with an oil spot, grease stain, wine stain or food stain, dry cleaning can remove it without causing any damage to the clothing.

Because it is typically much easier to deal with a fresh stain rather than one that has been treated already, you may opt to bring your garment immediately to the dry cleaner. Dry cleaning is the ideal solution for safe and effective stain removal.

Sometimes the stains become so stubborn and as a result it becomes difficult to remove them. In this case reach out to the professional cleaners providing laundry services in Durango.

Make your clothes look new again
Make your clothes look new again

It’s infuriating when your favourite white shirt fades in the wash or your hem begins to unravel from your jeans. It’s expensive, and very environmentally unfriendly, to constantly buy new clothes. Instead of indulging in fast fashion, here are 10 ways that you can make your clothes look new again. 

  • Use dye 
  • Spray with starch 
  • Invest in a precision tool 
  • Remove stains with what’s in your kitchen cupboard 
  • Cover it up with a patch
  • See to those seams 
  • Razor away piling 
  • Rotate your clothing 
  • Get a mesh laundry bag 
  • Experiment with buttons

Use dye 

If your whites are looking grey, transform them from dull to dynamic using clothing dye. Clothing dye comes in a range of colours, so be adventurous. If you’re looking for something more subtle, black dye is available.

Spray with starch

Starch can make your clothing look brand new by binding the fabric’s fibres together to give clothes a crisp finish. Additionally, adding starch to your ironing routine can reduce fraying and act as a barrier against dirt and stains. You can add starch to your laundry routine by adding 1-2 tablespoons of starch to a cup of water and dispensing the solution into your washing machine. Alternatively, spray starch is available and can be sprayed straight onto clothing. 

Invest in a precision tool 

Loose threads can make clothes look untidy and unkempt. A precision tool is an easy fix for this problem. Simply insert the instrument where the loose thread is from the exterior side. Pull the tool through the fabric, allowing the hook to pull the loose thread, and watch the thread disappear. Precision tools are cheap to buy and a useful instrument.

Remove underarm stains with what’s in your kitchen

Underarm stains are inevitable yet can’t be removed by normal washing. There are 3 ways to remove underarm stains and the main ingredient for each method can be found in your kitchen. 

  1. Pour white vinegar directly onto the stain and gently rub. Leave it for 5 minutes before putting the item of clothing into the washing machine and washing as normal.
  2. Create a paste of 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water. Use a toothbrush to apply the paste directly onto the stain in a scrubbing motion. Leave for up to 2 hours depending on how severe the stain is before washing the clothing as normal. 
  3. Mix equal parts lemon juice as water and scrub the mixture onto the stain. Alternatively, leave the stain to soak in the solution for up to 10 minutes depending on how severe it is. 

Cover it up with a patch

Patches have made a re-entrance into the world of fashion recently and provide an easy solution to covering up small stains and rips in clothing. Simply buy a patch, or cut a patch out from some old fabric, and sew it directly on top of the stain or rip. They work most effectively on denim items of clothing. 

See to those seams

Unravelling seams shouldn’t be the reason for throwing out your favourite clothing. If you see that a seam is unravelling, fold up the seam and squeeze a small amount of seam sealant on the folded material. Leave it to dry for a few minutes before getting on with your day, completely worry-free about the potential of your seam coming undone. 

Razor away piling 

Piling on clothing is incredibly irritating and can ruin a whole look. Piling occurs when groups of broken fibres tangle together in a knot on the surface of clothing due to rubbing whilst worn. It’s inevitable BUT has a simple solution. Use a standard razor and gently shave away the piling. Be careful not to be too harsh on your clothes or you could cause snags or tears.

Rotate your clothing 

We all have our favourite outfits, but it’s important that we rotate our clothing, especially when it comes to stiffer items, such as jackets. The more times you wear the same items of clothing the more worn they will become. This can lead to certain items losing their shape and structure and therefore not fitting as well as they did before. To avoid this, rotate your clothing and give your fabric time to rest and reshape itself. This will lead to your clothes lasting longer and you getting the optimum amount of wears from your favourite looks. 

Get a mesh laundry bag

Rips and snags can occur when using a washing machine, but can also be easily prevented by using a laundry bag. You may already have a laundry bag for your more delicate items, such as underwear, however, they are also available for normal items of clothing. Simply place your clothing into the mesh bag and place it into the washing machine. Remember not to overload the bags as this could lead to your clothing getting tangled, which could lead to damage. 

Experiment with buttons 

Buttons can fall off very easily. To keep your clothes looking fresh always try and sew buttons back on as soon as they fall off. Alternatively, you can buy different types of buttons and sew them on to a garment to heighten the look. For example, try gold or pearl buttons on a simple work shirt. This adds a stylish quality to your look and will make your outfit a complete original. 

To maintain the standard of your clothing it’s always best to get your clothes dry cleaned. Book your slot by visiting the the companies providing green earth cleaning in Durango.

Dry Cleaning: Benefits Of Professional Care
Dry Cleaning: Benefits Of Professional Care

A lot of people still see professional dry cleaning as a luxury, but the companies providing the service of green earth cleaning in Durango understand that it is, in fact, a necessity. Dry cleaning has countless benefits that you can’t get from doing your laundry at home.

Not every piece of clothing needs to be dry cleaned. However, taking care of the items that do will prolong their life and maintain their beauty. Make sure you pay attention to care labels on your clothes to know which pieces are best dry cleaned. Alternatively, you can talk to the specialists if you are having trouble with the details.

  • Professionals pay close attention to detail 
  • Dry cleaning is less abrasive 
  • Perfect for removing stains and odours
  • Prolongs your clothes’ lifespan 
  • Saves you time and stress
  • Dry cleaners can handle large items 

Professionals pay close attention to detail

Doing the laundry at home means you have to cover all the steps, including washing, ironing, folding and storing items. As a result of all these different tasks, people can often overlook important aspects of cleaning clothes, which will have a massive impact on your clothes life span. 

When taking your clothes to professional dry cleaners, they can handle all these tasks for you with extra care.

Dry cleaning is less abrasive

Modern dry cleaning innovations are using greener products that are less abrasive on your clothing than traditional laundry techniques we use at home. The professionals know which clothes require a wet cleaning process and which do not. 

Likewise, professional dry cleaners know how to deal with delicate items that require special care. Dry cleaners are up to date with the best practices and will clean your clothes in the smartest possible way.  

Perfect for removing stains and odours 

There are lots of excellent home remedies for removing stains, but most come with a risk of ruining the clothes further. It is always a safer idea to get the professionals to deal with your tricky stains and lingering odours. 

So, if you ever find yourself about to throw your clothes away because you can’t get rid of this latest stain, why not take it to the dry cleaners? You’d be surprised at some of the hidden magic the professionals have up their sleeves. 

Prolongs your clothes’ lifespan

Everyone wants their clothes to look fresh for longer. One of the best ways people can achieve this is by having your garments professionally cleaned. 

By getting the dry cleaners to take care of your items, they are less exposed to fibre-wearing agitation that comes from the washing machine. As a result, they will last longer and retain their original colour. Also, a big bonus is you will end up saving money because you won’t need to purchase new clothes as frequently. 

Dry cleaners have the capacity for larger loads at once

It could seem evident to some, but not all, that dry cleaners have more capacity than your average washroom. If you are looking to get items like curtains, rugs, sofa covers or bedding cleaned well, then look no further than the dry cleaners. 

What can seem like a torturing chore for you to handle at home is a walk in the park for the professionals. Using a professional service for big items will save valuable time and reduce stress. 

Saves you time and stress

Dry cleaners don’t just take a load of laundry, but they also take a load of stress off your back. By handing over that task to the professionals, you can now enjoy your free time by doing the things you want to do. 

Time is valuable and often overshadowed by work or chores that can take up your entire day. So, by using a dry cleaners, you are regaining that precious time to spend with friends, family or yourself. 

It’s Time You Learn The Correct Way To Clean & Care For Your Suits
It’s Time You Learn The Correct Way To Clean & Care For Your Suits

There are guys out there who drop crazy amounts of money on custom suits and then – brace yourself for this one – treat them like a pair of jeans. Were talking folding them in drawers, tossing them into crumpled piles in corners and even sending them through the washing machine (you scoff, but we swear we’ve seen it happen). But then there are those who know how to clean a suit like a pro.

How To Clean A Suit

Listen up, gentlemen: looking impressive in a suit does not begin and end with spending a lot of money at the tailor. That’s part of the process, sure, but there’s still work to be done once you’ve brought that baby home. If you want your suit to last, you have to take care of it. It’s kind of like a girlfriend – if you want it to stick around for a while, you’ve got to give it some time, attention and TLC. Except girlfriend maintenance tends to be a lot more expensive than suit maintenance has to be.

The Basics

Your normal clothing care process is simple. Step one: Wear it. Step two: Wash it. Step three: Repeat. Your first inclination, after trotting out your suit for several days at the office or a few evenings on the town, is probably to have it dry cleaned. Don’t.

Save the dry cleaning for stains or other major emergencies. If you want your suit to be dry cleaned then Green earth cleaners in Durango provide the best dry cleaning services. The rest of the time, man up and care for your suit yourself.

These are the tips and essential tools you’ll need to make sure your suit stays looking as good as the day you bought it.

Remember, NEVER wash your suit. Ever, despite what idiots tell you.

Tools For Cleaning A Suit

After you’ve shelled out on a spectacular suit, here’s what you’ll need to keep it looking fresh:

Buy A Suit Brush

Brushing your suit after every outing is the best way to ensure that it stays in top form. The fabric of a suit loses its integrity over time as dirt and unseen particles build up. A decent suit brush will help you prolong its life. A suit brush looks much like your hair brush, with a wooden or plastic body/handle and bristles made from either synthetic material or real animal hair. Natural animal hair is your best bet, to ensure that the bristles aren’t so coarse that they damage your suit. Apply your shaving strategy and brush downwards only.

Invest In Quality Suit Hangers

No wire hangers, ever. You should feel ashamed for even letting the thought cross your mind. The right hanger helps maintain the shape of your jacket, thereby extending the length of its life, and helps smooth out any wrinkles sustained during wear. The cost can vary greatly, so just look for something with wide shoulders made from wood that fits your budget. If you wear your suit to work and take off your jacket during the day, it doesn’t hurt to have a second hanger at the office so you can avoid throwing it over the back of a chair.

Get A Cloth Suit Bag

Your suit may have come with a plastic or canvas bag, but ditch it as soon as you’ve brought it home. A cloth bag is the way to go, because it encourages greater air flow and allows your suit to breathe. A bag also protects against moths and wrinkles. Wait a day or so after wearing your suit to put it into a bag, and make sure your closet isn’t packed so tightly that air can’t reach it.

Essential Tips For Cleaning & Caring For Your Suit

With the basic tools in hand, you’re ready to get down to the nitty gritty of actually tending to your dapper dress-up clothes. Work hard, play hard, care hard. Here’s how to extend the life of your faithful sartorial companion:

#1 Cleaning Your Suit

Have we made it clear yet that your suit should rarely be banished to the dry cleaners? Some especially dedicated suit enthusiasts will only dry clean their suits once or twice a year. Base your dry cleaning habits on your suit’s fabric. Fabrics of higher micron numbers (higher than Super 150s wool) are richer and softer, but also finer and more fragile. Dry clean these as infrequently as possible. After a big night hang your suit outside and use a damp cloth to clean any spots.

#2 Never Iron Your Suit, Steam It

A good steamer isn’t cheap, but it’s a worthwhile investment. Steaming your suit is a delicate method of removing wrinkles and odours and won’t damage the fibres. Avoid using a regular iron to press your suits as the high temperature may cause damage. Also avoid steaming the chest area, which may disrupt the shape of the internal canvas.

#3 Learn To Brush & Roll

Wool has a tendency to accumulate dust, dirt and lint from the environment with wear. Brush your suit after each outing, beginning at the shoulders and working your way down. Always brush gently and slowly, and never perpendicular to the fibres. Use a lint roller as needed to keep everything looking spiffy.

#4 Hang IT Correctly 

Hang your suit when you’re not wearing it. As we’ve already noted, you should never use flimsy metal hangers and should take care hang your suit in a space where it isn’t cramped up against other clothes. The right hanger will have a contoured shape that matches the shape and drape of your jacket, will be wide enough to touch each edge of the shoulders and will be made of a natural wood that helps absorb moisture from fabric.

Know The Importance of Wedding Dress Dry Cleaning Service

Know The Importance of Wedding Dress Dry Cleaning Service

Are you worried about the preservation of your wedding dress? Don’t worry. This content will help you to get the right idea regarding wedding dress dry cleaning to preserve it. Generally, a wedding dress is made with intricate designs on delicate fabrics and unique stitching. Your bridal dress is special as it is associated with your wedding ceremony, which is a big day in your life.

Know Why Wedding Dress Cleaning Service is Very Important:

Choose The Standard Dry Cleaning Process:

The wedding dress dry cleaning specialist will assess the cleaning plan as per the unique fabrics and detailed designs of your wedding dress. It is also essential to analyze the stitching along the hem as well as the wedding dress entirely. The recycled solvent and virgin solvent are two types of cleaner that are used for the dry cleaning process. It will help if you avoid recycled solvent, which contains impurities. These impurities can damage your bridal dress with a residue and an unpleasant smell. It will be better to discuss with a dry cleaner specialist regarding the dry cleaning process of your wedding dress.

Think About Invisible Stains:

The invisible stains are problematic. Some foods and drinks contain sugar particles. When these types of foods and drinks spill on your wedding dress, the sugar particle caramelizes over time and turns into dark stains, which the simple dry cleaning process can’t remove. The stains may turn pale yellow or darken over a certain period. The professional of wedding dress dry cleaning will help you to identify the invisible stains. They will advise you to do the special kind of dry cleaning as per your wedding dress. It is important to maintain the cleanliness of your wedding gown, which will help you to recall the glory of the day.

Think About Specific Materials of Wedding Dress:

Mostly the bridal dresses are designed with excellent golden thread work and exclusive zari work. The fabrics of the wedding dress are usually satin, silk, organza, lace, or chiffon. It would help if you took the advice of the Wedding Dress Dry Cleaning specialist according to the type of fabric and designs of your wedding dress. The cleaning techniques of different fabrics and intricate designs are different. The specialist will help you to keep your wedding dress in pristine condition over a long period.

Preserve Wedding Dress In a Cool and Dark Place:

It is essential to preserve the wedding dress in a cool and dark place. The reason is that the sunlight can fade the color of the fabric. You can use a zip-up plastic bag to preserve your wedding dress. It would be best if you avoid regular plastic bags as it contains moisture. You can use a wedding preservation box, which is acid-free. Sometimes, the wedding dress may get a few wrinkles, or dirt of sweat, and even a small smudge can damage the wedding dress. It is essential to preserve properly after Wedding Dress Dry Cleaning.


Sometimes, a bride wears a wedding dress worn by a mother, grandmother according to the family tradition. It is important to keep an antic wedding dress in a safe and pristine condition. You can choose a wedding dress dry cleaning service to preserve your antic wedding gown. It will help you to get a vintage look on your wedding ceremony. The services include alteration, repairs, cleaning, and whitening if your bridal dress turns yellowish due to age. You will be able to maintain the excellent restoration process by choosing the right services. You will get a new look for your wedding dress. You can use simple steaming to remove unwanted creasing of the wedding dress.

It is important to select the right wedding dress dry cleaning service if you want to keep your bridal dress safe forever. Durango Laundry services will suggest the accurate method of dry cleaning for your wedding dress. The specialists know every kind of stain and their removal processes.

Basic Laundry Do’s & Don’ts
Basic Laundry Do’s & Don’ts

Laundry DO’s

  • Check the label: The laundry care label has all the information you need to care for your clothes.
  • Clean your washing machine: A clean washing machine means cleaner clothes!
  • Test for colourfastness: Avoid dyes from running onto other clothing by testing for colourfastness first.
  • Pre-treat stains: Get stains out easily by treating them asap, before you wash as usual. This will help keep your clothes from having discoloured patches.
  • Wash coloured clothes inside out: Protect clothes colours and make them last longer by washing them inside out.

Laundry DON’TS

  • Overload washing machine: Your clothes won’t get cleaned properly if there’es too much in the washing machine!
  • Put detergent directly onto clothes: Avoid laundry detergent residue on clothes by making sure you use laundry detergent correctly.
  • Leave zippers open: Close all clothes zippers so that they don’t snag onto or tear your delicate clothing.
  • Scrub stains: Scrubbing stains will only make it spread more and will become more difficult for it to be removed.
  • Just separate by colour: Before washing, sort clothes, not just by colour but by how lightly or heavily soiled they are and also by fabric material- abrasive fabrics from delicates.

If you require professional Green earth cleaning in Durango for your clothes, you can always rely on the laundry professionals.

The Future Of Convenience Laundry Is Here.
The Future Of Convenience Laundry Is Here.

Everything is becoming Uberized. If you weren’t aware, the laundry industry is no exception. Laundry services in Durango driven by mobile technology advances businesses that aim to deliver even greater convenience to laundry customers all over the country.

The laundry on-demand business models generally follow the same template. They provide a slick user interface – mobile app in most cases – where customers can quickly and easily select options that provide the convenience needed; have back-end systems that are robust enough to handle and automate operations; and sign up as many providers (like Uber drivers) as possible.

Imagine the progression. Once upon a time, trekking to the laundromat, heavy drawstring bag or laundry basket in tow and coins or tokens jingling away in pockets and purses was the main option. Customers had to find parking, hopefully close to the laundromat entrance. Then there was the wait during washing and drying. One could easily spend a couple hours in the laundromat.

Drop-off wash-dry-fold services provided greater convenience but often same-day service was rarely available. Laundry pick-up and delivery services came along and made life much easier but scheduling was often challenging and you had to be available during drop-off and pick-up time windows.

Now the laundry industry is boldly stepping into the technology frontier. Laundry services like WashClub, FlyCleaners,Washio, Lioxcleaners and others have leveraged mobile technology to offer the public an even greater degree of on-demand convenience. Millennials may be rejoicing as they can now schedule their laundry cleaning, order take-out, summon an Uber car, and post on Instagram with a few finger taps in the space of a few minutes.

The traditional laundry services model is being disrupted by technology. As a laundry services provider, where are you in the progression of making it more convenient for your customers?

The Newest Way to Do Your Dry Cleaning and Laundry!
The Newest Way to Do Your Dry Cleaning and Laundry!

Are you tired of spending all of your quarters at the laundromat or wasting valuable time at home doing your laundry? If so, you’re in luck! There’s a new way to clean your clothes: have it all done by the professionals at Laundry Durango.

Why should you choose to let us handle all of your laundry? Keep reading to find out! This post will cover all of the reasons to ditch the laundromat and go with dry cleaning.

Save time

The number one reason people choose to bring their laundry to a professional is so that they can have more time to do the things they want to do, instead of waiting around the house to do loads of laundry. It doesn’t get much easier than dropping your clothes off at our Scottsdale location and having them delivered later in the day when they’re nice and clean. While we get all of the stains out of your clothes, you can be out and about living the good life and doing the things you want to do.

No hassle

Cleaning your clothes is a necessary part of life, and unfortunately it’s also a huge pain in the neck. That doesn’t have to be the case if you hire Organic Dry Cleaners and Laundry to clean your clothes. The only thing better than scheduling dry cleaning pick up in Scottsdale, AZ is also having it delivered by us straight to your door. Whichever service you choose, we guarantee you’ll love the fact that it’s easy and hassle-free.

Same-day service

Some folks tend to get turned off by dry cleaners because they think the cleaners take too long to clean and return their clothes. That’s not the case with us! In many situations, we can have your clothes returned to you in a matter of hours, so your outfit can be pressed and clean for a night out on the town.

Guaranteed clean

How many times have you taken clothes out of the dryer and noticed that the mustard stain on your shirt didn’t come out in the wash? Probably more often than you’d like to admit. That won’t be a problem if you let us handle your dry cleaning. We can get any stain out of any sort of fabric.

Save money

Constantly going to the laundromat and paying for each load of laundry gets expensive after a while. Instead of paying for each wash and dry cycle, you can pay a flat fee to have your clothes professionally picked up, dry cleaned and delivered right to your door. At the end of the day, you may actually save some money by letting us handle your dirty clothes!